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So I got a Western Blot herpes test

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I was diagnosed with HSV1 genitally by a PCR and through visual exam back in March.

This really confused me because I was 99.9% positive I have been getting cold sores on my lip for almost eight years.

So I got a Western Blot. It came back positive for HSV1, negative for HSV2.

My doctor said that what might've happened is that I was infected orally and genitally at the same time, and for some reason my genital symptoms remained dormant all these years.

She also said that what has been appearing on my lip might not be a cold sore..but it looks like one and I do get prodome as it crops up.


I just wanted to share the rest of my story. I think my situation is a good example of just how unpredictable our bodies can be. I mean, I've never read anything about the virus hanging out in both places...but I have no other explanation for my condition.


I think I might disclose to someone special to me soon, and I'm having a hell of a time trying to come up with the words to explain when I don't even really understand my situation myself.

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Thanks for closing the loop, SunnyDays. Yes, HSV-1 is just as likely to show up genitally as orally, but it has to be passed there. It's hard to autoinoculate (spread herpes from your mouth to your genitals), so yes, either you got herpes passed to you in both places at the same time or someone you've been with got cold sores on his lips and went down on you. You know, 50% of new genital herpes cases are caused by oral sex, right? Classic example of the same exact virus having no shame when it's on the lips, but the second it goes down below the belt, the stigma seems to latch on. That's why we're all about spreading knowledge, acceptance and love here instead of ignorance, shame and stigma.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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It's just so confusing to me because I was under the impression that if I had HSV1 orally, I would not be able to get it genitally. Plus, it's crazy to think that I was infected both places at the same time and never had a genital outbreak. My initial genital outbreak had all the signs of a primary outbreak, and I have never had any problems "downstairs" before this. Ahhh! Such a mindf***.. ;)

I was 17ish when I noticed my first oral sore and I am 25 and just had my first genital outbreak.

So confusing! I think in time I will stop beating myself up trying to decipher the "how" and just come to terms with the facts. At least, that is my goal.

I've done a lot of research on this since my diagnosis and I am nearly heartbroken that H is so prevalent in our society yet it is not routinely tested for. I was absolutely ignorant to herpes before this happened; I wish I had known more. So thankful for your site, Adrial. Keep it up.

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Hi SunnyDays! I think you're wise to let go of the angst around the "how". There clearly are lots of unknown factors related to how herpes operates in the body...and every body is so different. Even if we really want to figure it all out, sometimes we might not be able to. I, myself, still haven't been able to get the blood test to tell me whether or not I have HSV1 or HSV2. I've been trying, but so far I haven't been able to get it. The unknown can be frustrating. So I agree with you about focusing on what information IS available to us, and empowering ourselves with that. Clarity around the other stuff may come in time. Much love! Beckie

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