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Hey Derek. It sucks dude. It really does. I was diagnosed with a newly acquired case of hsv2 a month ago. I’ve had my initial outbreak which was fairly minor and nothing since. It sucks to have herpes. One of my life goals was to die std free. At the end of the day, it’s a minor rash. The first week herpes thoughts were all consuming. It’s subsiding. You’ll be fine. It’s not the end of the world. Hang in there bud. It will get better. I promise.

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I don't want to dismiss your feelings because what you are feeling is common but I'm here to say, herpes is not a big deal. I felt devastated at first too but after learning about herpes I really don't care anymore. You'll likely get there too. Most do. I know this sounds odd, but part of me is kinda proud to have been inducted into the HSV crowd. I am now more educated, more informed, and less judgmental than those who know nothing about this virus. Rarely is it medically significant and once you're an adult if you don't have HSV1 or 2 you are actually in the minority. In addition, almost 100% of the population has one of 8 herpes viruses. HSV is common and usually tolerated well. It's just not a big deal. If you engage in sexual activity you're going to get exposed to herpes. The alternative is abstinence and in my opinion sex is worth the risk.

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I found out I got both HSV2 and HPV high risk in one sitting, plus precancerous issues due to the HPV - this was October 2017. I had not had sex for over 5 months and two standard annual tests I do were negative for HSV2. SO, in November when I suddenly had a tiny lesion - I freaked out. As so far none of the 3 folks I had sex with in the prior year are positive and I'm like if I've had this a while - like over 5 months, why did I not test positive and why is it suddenly here now? The only person that touched me was my GYN and me - but here I have it and testing positive.


SO, I get it. You are not alone at all. It sucks. It pisses me off. It hurts as I've not been able to get rid of mine for the past 3+ months. And I do have a rare incurable disease that at some point if I have to go on steroids for my new liver HSV2 is NOT a good disease to have.


So my best advice to you is study up, reach out as needed and realize that as much as it feels like the end of the world, it's not. I've not yet had the conversation with a potential lover as I cannot even fathom having sex. Just happy I can have an orgasm now without upsetting the balance of things. So hang tough and be kind to yourself. Not easy.... I know as I'm struggling with 3 incurable diseases and an immune system that is not functioning as properly as it should to boot. And, vaginal HSV2 is worse in general than Penile. So if you are young and overall healthy and male - you'll be fine. Stress is a trigger, so again... breathe through it and reach out. Lots of great support sites out there!

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