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Post first OB and have questions about lingering symptoms

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I am post first OB and overall it was fairly mild. The blisters completely healed about three days ago but I am still experiencing a slight bit of urinary retention. However, I still feel *off* down there, I'm not experiencing the itching/burning feeling but I am generally sore. Has anyone else experienced this? I know the virus reacts differently with everyone but I can't tell if I'm losing my mind or if I am really experiencing these symptoms?


I’m extremely new to having hsv1 genitally. Being diagnosed beginning of January I also had a UTI along with my first outbreak and was on antibiotics and antiviral meds. The day after I stopped antibiotics I felt like my UTI was back! Burned when I peed and hurt as well as my clitoris having these tingling spasms. But it was not my UTI back it was the virus that messed with the nerves. I have experienced tons of itching and soreness down there for the first few weeks and every so often it tingles and itches but not as bad! I’m still suffering from flu like symptoms such as headaches and red dry eyes


That’s me too! I had a lesion specifically on my clit so post symptoms was tingling on that area and it did tickle. My first outbreak was absolutely horrible I think I had like 13 lesions total. I was taking salt baths 3 times a day and walking around in a dress with no panties cause nothing could touch that area! I also used a hair dryer to dry off


I rang in the New Year with my first outbreak. It was horrible- inside and out, completely covered in sores, even inside the opening of my urethra. After the outbreak cleared, I also had difficulty urinating - starting the flow and also completely emptying my bladder. This lasted at least another week. I used a warm water peri bottle to slowly squirt water over the area. This helped immensely!! No worries, everything returned to normal. I read about this issue and the H virus effects the nerves of the urethra and bladder but it is temporary.


It can really vary - women however have it waaaaaaaaaay worse than men and HSV2 can be more resistant as it is the alpha H... lol. I have dealt with BO after BO after BO and a very uncomfortable 4 months - and just now I think I'm getting ahead of it by taking large dose of antiviral support. Will see how it goes when I slowly back down to suppressive dosage. I only have had the more "mild" BO and only on vagina and not really inside beyond uncomfortable, no lesions. So, maybe it's taking my body longer to fight back as my infection has been slow and moving versus hit me super hard and go away.


I am also as I slowly feel better touching myself more to get me use to it again. Sometimes nerves and bodies need to be reminded of what "normal" is through gentle and slow re-introduction. Had to do it once with a shoulder / back issue.


Hang in there - too many stories that it gets better and our sex lives will return. Gotta believe it!


I am so grateful I found this site earlier rather than later. All the information and stories have given me hope that my life will return to normal. I hate looking at my life in the to context of before H vs. after H.


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