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I feel like my love life is over

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I got diagnosed with HSV-2 2 months ago. I had just started to date someone before I found out and things were going really well, then I got my first symptoms (full on) and it was a real shock to me. I found out the previous person I was dating had HSV2 for 17 years, he never thought to let me know, he said he didn't think he was contagious has he had no symptoms after the first time and went on to have a few partners with no incidents after that. I only slept with this guy twice. That's my luck!

When I found out I had symptoms, I told my new partner strait away as I was very worried I would have gave it to him. Unfortunately I did. He took it very well at first, but only had very mild symptoms. I was relieved has I didn't want my relationship to be over...

Sadly a few weeks ago he had another show but this time a lot more severe which put him in a bad place mentally. Then he stopped messaging me. He ended up telling me he had mixed emotions and couldn't continue with our relationship.

I am gutted and feel very alone. I live in Ireland, it's like living in a grotto, people don't talk about things like that, a lot of narrow minds here. Going on a dating site to try find people like me are non existent. I feel like I will never find someone who will accept me now with this condition. People will just run away as soon as I'll disclose. And I wouldn't blame them.

I feel like my love life is over, I just want to cry everyday, I'm loosing my confidence and its bringing me down.

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How do you know you didn't get it from your most recent partner? I have no idea what the culture is like in Ireland but I'm in the US where we get our puritanical panties in a bunch every time any topic of sex comes up. Oral herpes, no big deal, not transmitted sexually. Genital herpes, same viris different location, Oh my goodness it's terrible. Truth is herpes isn't terrible and it's quite common. At first it feels scary but the more you learn the less it matters and I'm sure there are plenty out there in Ireland that know this too.

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