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HPV= Herpes?

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Hi everyone! I just had a quick question. I'm currently dating someone, but haven't had the 'disclosure' talk yet. I'm feeling positive about it and think he will be ok with it.

A friend of mine who knows that I have it, has told me a couple of times just not to tell them because its so manageable, and not everyone will understand. Morally I can't do that. So she suggested just saying I have a strain of HPV, and trying not to use the word herpes. Does anyone know if this is correct information? Is herpes just a strain of HPV? I don't want to 'lie' to him, I just want the best possible reaction and acceptance.


Totally wrong.

Some strains of HPV are curable or can be defeated by the immune system. Misleading someone you sleep with or giving them false information is morally wrong.

They have the right to consemt, just like everyone has the right to consemt.

Pulling one over on someone who trusts you is niether clever, nor conquest.


Your friend seems to suffer from a profound lack of dignity and kindness in suggesting you use sex to harm another person.

Because the reality is that's exactly what the issue is about.


Disclose every time, up front and clearly.


HPV and Herpes are two completely different animals aside from both are incurable. Even HPV can cause issues.... I found out I have a high risk type and in less than 2 years my cervix cells started to go rogue.


Disclose disclose disclose. The only way we got H was because somebody else did not or just didn't know. We all have moments of wanting to Avoid the Talk.... but a talk is better than the fact you Know you did a person Very Wrong.


Best of luck and be glad you are not dating your friend... those little white lies apply to many areas of dating.... seriously messed up, self serving thinking.

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