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Idk what to do

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lastnight i broke up with boyfriend because I'm too afraid to tell him i have herpes. when we first began dating one of the the first things he said to me was he was afraid of contracting an std. I feel like no matter how much i explain the virus he will just look at it as i have herpes. It sucks because i think i fell for him.

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To be fair, I don't think anyone is excited to try and catch an STD. It really depends on what you're looking out of that relationship (and how long you've been dating), but you may not be being fair to yourself or even him if that's the reason you split. If you're still new to the whole thing, I'd suggest understanding what you have first and then maybe have a conversation if you want to see if things can still work.


I actually disclosed to one of my female friends (who is in the medical field) when I was catching up with her and her reaction was it's not really a big deal at all. So many people have it and most people can manage it pretty well and there is a small chance of transmitting it if you're safe.

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Glad to hear you disclosed.

Next time, give yourself a fighting chance at building something really honest and fulfilling: disclose before you get intimate.

You can't blame a person for being upset if you wait to tell them until after you put them at risk.


Everyone has a right to consent, knowing full well the implications. Denying someone their right to constent is always wrong. Each person has the right to decide what they do, with who, and when. That's the entire point of the whole #metoo campaign.

Get consent every time, not just once and not just from specific people, but every time.

Withholding information because you know the other person will deny consent is just as malicious as the cliche "I thought she was cool with it".

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Update : We never engaged in any type of sexual activity, I would never do that to someone because I know how it feel to not have the option of accepting or denying the risk . After the initial shock and anger he had his main thing was why I didn’t tell him sooner before we both got in so deep. Right now, he’s trying to understand everything about it , I’m answering all of his questions giving him the facts about it. So, we’ll see how it goes.

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