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Just found out and I'm worried I may have infected someone

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I just found out I contracted herpes sometime in the past. I think this is my first year because I've never had breakouts before, but long story short I came out of a 9 month relationship and hooked up with a friend one drunken night. 2 days later I had a rash so I told her I was going to get checked out went to get checked and when I got to the doctors the rash was all but gone and I had no scabs just a little redness. Well a night or two later we had sex again the rash was gone but the next morning I had a scratch or lesion on my mons pubis and since then I've felt like I have another outbreak coming on. The next night I found out my girlfriend of nine months had been cheating on me with multiple other men and when I got my results back I came back positive for hsv 2 I told my friend who really didn't react as bad as I thought but she feels like she's infected it is weighing more on my mind then my positive diagnosis what are the chances I infected her.


Well if you did not use protection I think the chances are high. If you need to vent feel free to message me.


We didn't use protection two days later she had back pains that moved from her lower back to her pelvis and down into her legs but no outbreaks or painful urination so far at day 10 but she says she has a bad gut feeling that she's infected.

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