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Is this feeling normal?

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So, I’m 4 days into what I believe  is my first OB. Started Acyclovir today and so far I have a larger lesion and a few tiny ones which have been appearing over the last 48 hours. ( not seen any blisters though, just open shallow sores. Maybe that’s yet to come...)  In general, the larger one is very painful compared to the others but this intense burning/crawling/tingling and painful feeling is persistent and has been from the beginning. 

Is this a typical symptom of GH? 

Or is it still a prodome that means more will keep appearing? 

thanks x 

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sores could start filling with liquid and then popping... or maybe they have already popped but you just didn't feel it??

If you have  acyclovir cream, that could help you to make them heal faster/ apply with qtip. Epsom salt baths will help with the pain and the burning. You can also try coconut oil after the epsom salt bath. BTW.. don't touch the blisters. Try using a hair dryer on low/cold to dry your genital area.

Ibuprofen could help ease the pain, but drink plenty of liquids since you are already taking acyclovir. You want to take care of your liver. And yes... first OB can be pretty painful. Hold on in there.  

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My liver is the least of my problems. I haven’t eaten since Saturday and I’ve barely slept 8 hours with either pain or anxiety. Or both. I’ll orobably starve to death before my liver packs in! 

LOL. Sorry. If I don’t laugh, I’ll cry. 

Seriously though, I was gonna have a tiny glass of wine 😳. I’m already in it now! no point being good at this stage. 

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Lol, don't do that.... wine feeds the virus! Don't panic. Look your body right now is going try and fight the virus and all kind of strange symptoms will come. Eat clean while your ob is on, try not to eat processed food, go for food high in lysine and if you can take supplement from now.. 3000 of lysine daily might help. FOR PAIN> yes, you can use aleve or tylenol or try dolac with b vitamin complex...that goes straight to your nerves and it is pretty good at allowing you to sleep, however, it is a bit hard on your liver and stomach. 

No worries. I'll try to give you as much information as I possibly can.

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So, no sex, no wine, and no junk food. All while I fight pain, blisters,sores,  burning, swollen glands and nausea? 

what the hell kind of torture is this? 

The anxiety is awful. It comes and goes in waves and I’m on the internet constantly trying to convince myself that I’ll be fine. 

I shall look into lysine while I wait for this virus to get worse! 

Thank you. 😊 

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@Chillydaffodil take that Epson Salt bath!  Try some nice warm water with lime and green tea (no sugar, sugar gives viruses a perfect place to grow). 

And don't dismiss topical ointments like acyclovir or even coconut oil. Also you can mix the oil with a bit of sore throat spray and that will numb the affected area. 

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@Chillydaffodil OMG girl you are so me!!! I was freaking the fuck out!!!  I'll tell you... Epsome salt baths are great! Add like 10 drops of tea tree oil yes girl! The bath relaxes you and it soothes the musnt-touch-it zone. I'm new to all this to and the help here has been amazing.  

I have spent countless nights not sleeping and just reading into all things H... My heart it broken and I'm freaked out but I'm alive. My vagina is just starting to get back to normal after my first OB...  

I have been taking:

3000mg L-Lysine

2000mg vitamin C

Echinacia... I think 600-1000 daily

Soaking in epsome salt baths 

Hair drier drying the goods

And trying to stay positive... Well... Obviously🙄

We can make each other laugh if you need some support😁

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