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BURNING MOUTH// depressed

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To piggy back off other posts I’m just concerned. I feel like I’ve talked to every dr every website and I still just feel lost. I get burning on my lips and mouth but no sores? How the heck do I find out what this is? The drs have done nothing for it and I’m concerned I gave my hsv 2 to my mouth or it’s somehow there? I do not have hsv 1 and was just tested for it and it came back negative. I just am so sick of worrying and stressing out about every little pain, itch, etc. it really makes me feel depressed.


Hi @hHelp

I also have hsv2, not hsv1. I've had tingling, numbness and itching, but no sores on my lower lip a few times. It's annoying, but I figure it's more the virus messing with my nerves, than a new point of outbreak. HSV2 doesn't really like the mouth area; it's not the best environment for it to thrive. 

Good luck!!


  • Thanks 1

I was just like this yesterday! It truly got the best of me but thanks to others I made it! I had Burning mouth burning lips but no outbreak negative for H1 as well. It’s crazy 

  • Thanks 1

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