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Coming around

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Hey all, 

I was diagnosed back in May after what would have been my first one night stand at the age of 26. I was trying to get back into dating after my boyfriend had broken up with me in October (2017) i ultimately hit it off with this individual and the second time we hung out we ended up sleeping together. He says he didn’t know he had it which is common after all the research I’ve done but that sense of betrayal I felt was so real. Not only did he give me herpes but chlamydia as well. Sometimes I wonder if he hadn’t of given me the chlamydia if I would of even had an outbreak of herpes. Turns out it is HSV-1 which I heard doesn’t have as many outbreaks. I had my second outbreak in November which was definitely not as bad as the first and at least now I know what it feels like. I decided to go on suppressive therapy though just for peace of mind. Recently I had a couple spots break out on my leg but they don’t look or feel like herpes so I’m hoping I didn’t inadvertently transfer it to other parts of my body. Especially given I didn’t know what it was when I first came down with it. I’m especially afraid of contracting it on my hand or in my eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever washed my hands so much. Anyways that’s my story. Slowly learning to live with it day by day. Hoping I’ll accept it at some point and it won’t be constantly on my mind.


It’s my understanding that u can’t transmit it to another body part once u have the antibodies in your system which take about 3 mths . I also have hsv1, my ex gave it to me and he knew he had it just didn’t care sadly. It’s such a emotional roller coaster.. I just pray it gets better. For me a lot of times I just wished I would die to not have to be reminded everyday of this horrible virus. I get nerve pain which is painful at times plus I went off my antivirals caused myself to have outbreak. I’m just so over it. I just wish I could be one of those ppl that didn’t get any symptoms.

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