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Constant Herpes Prodrome Symptoms?

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Hey Guys, so for that past month and a half I have been taking Valtrex daily. Before that I only took it during outbreaks which usually happened during my monthly cycle or during periods of a lot of stress. Since I have been taking it daily I have had two outbreaks, and constant feelings of tingling in different areas. The feelings come and go some days I feel the tingling and the next day it will be gone, and then it comes back in a different area. I am really concerned because I am in a new relationship and want to be sexual but I am constantly worried that I may be having prodrome symptoms. Has anyone else had this problem? and could the Valtrex be causing the prodrome symtoms? because prior to taking the valtrex I only had the prodrome symptoms like once a month. The prodrome symptoms are so annoying too because it's just a constant reminder that the herpes is there just waiting to pop out!

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Hey Katieanne! How long have you had herpes? If it's anywhere in the 6 months to a year phase, your body is still getting used to having this new visitor and it takes a while before the antibodies build and the body calms down. I'm assuming you've told your new partner you have herpes? If you're taking daily suppressive therapy and wearing a condom, the chance of transmission from female to male is only 1% without a visible herpes outbreak. So don't let these feelings take you out of the moment of connecting with your honey. Be safe but not paranoid! :)


Here's a link to the post-disclosure handout that shows all these need-to-know facts and such:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Hey north of the border! Yes I think the stress of telling him definitely caused me to have an outbreak. But it's been a few weeks since I have told him and I still feel like I am having prodrome symptoms. Yes, maybe it is now the stress of passing it on to him that's causing the prodrome.

Hey Adrienne! I was diagnosed with herpes three years ago so the virus has been pretty regular and I'm pretty familiar with when to expect break outs. Yes I have told my partner about the herpes and he is okay with it. Maybe I am just afraid of passing it on to him and the stress is making me break out. I will try to remind myself that the chances of spreading it are really low and maybe that will help... Thanks guys

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