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HSV 1 question

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Hi! I was diagnosed with HSV 1 on my vagina almost 1 year ago. I’m currently fighting an outbreak right now via Valtrex. I finished my prescription 2 days ago. My sores are so tiny now and I was wondering if I need to keep taking the meds to finish them off or will they heal on their own at this point? Also- can I shave? Or will that cause them to start back up again?

 I’m desperate... any help is appreciated!!!





If you have finished taking your prescription, you don't normally need anymore, it will heal on its own.
I used to put cold sore cream on sores to finish them off.

I would advise you not to shave until at least being clear & even then be careful & make sure razor is sharp.

Wish you all the best 🙂


To piggyback off of @Amando's advice, since you're at the year mark, on average most people take 6 months to a year on average for their immune systems to really get the virus under control (there are exceptions to the rule, of course, but it's a good gauge). So know that in addition to whatever meds you're taking, your body is also doing a great job of healing up outbreaks and helping you have less and less outbreaks in the future. There was even a period of time when I wasn't in relationship and wasn't having sex, so I didn't take suppressive or episodic medication and I would just let outbreaks run their course on their own. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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