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Paranoid about spreading herpes to myself

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I have finally come to terms with testing positive for HSV1 but I still have some questions. I have never had oral or vaginal intercourse but I'm still paranoid about spreading the virus to my genitals with a new infection. 

  1. If an infection is brand new, how likely is it to auto inoculate yourself if you touch your lips without a visible lesion present and then masturbate?
  2. If the infection is new and no lesion is present and you touch your lips, can you auto inoculate yourself by masturbating due to viral shedding?

Responses would be greatly appreciated. 


It's unlikely to spread herpes (autoinoculate) without an active outbreak. Especially since you have HSV-1 orally, it doesn't prefer being on the genitals as much as it prefers hanging out orally. This is not to say that it's possible to transfer it via oral sex to a partner (50% of new genital herpes cases are HSV-1 from oral sex!), but that's more for direct skin-to-skin contact. To transfer it from your mouth to your genitals with your hand is pretty unlikely since such little virus is shed without an active outbreak. 

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Thank you for the feedback! I have been extremely depressed about the possibility of doing so since I'm not sure if the infection is new or not. I developed a yeast infection which I had not experienced in a long time and I was having tingling in my thigh, and lower back pain. I thought that maybe these things were happening because of auto inoculation. I have never had oral or vaginal sex so I'm assuming this infection is oral.


1. What should I tell a potential partner?  I carry the virus but I am not 100% sure whether its oral or genital? Should I even bring it up before we kiss? Have sex? I have never had any type of lesion anywhere. 

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