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Challenges finding what triggers my herpes outbreaks

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I've been trying to determine what sets off my herpes outbreaks. I've been taking Valtrex for one week on and one or two weeks off. Some months that works wonders. This month I noticed a small bump appeared (kind of uncomfortable).


I've been reading that certain foods like chocolate, wheat, etc can be a trigger for some people. I've been watching my diet and just can't figure out what causes my outbreaks. I just don't want to have to take Valtrex every single day (I guess unless I'm sexually involved with someone).


Has anyone else noticed what their triggers are and how to combat them?

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Heya KJ!


What I've found most of all what triggers my herpes outbreaks is STRESS! Which means I get a damn good reason to not get all stressed out. ;) Other than that, I haven't really noticed any correlation between other triggers such as food. For women specifically, I've heard a big trigger is around your cycle. More stress is on your body around the time of your period, so herpes outbreaks tend to happen around those times.


Here's a good article on herpes triggers:



... and here's an article on medication, which discusses the amino acids Lysine (supposedly good for herpes) and Arginine (supposedly bad for herpes) that have been claimed to affect herpes outbreaks:



... and an article on herpes treatment:


This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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