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Posts posted by ScaredGirl89

  1. Ok so I’ve been on my daily valtrex once a day (500mg) for suppression. Pretty standard dose. 

    Had anyone else experienced the most insane vivid dreams? I’m talking scary as hell cant tell the difference between dream and reality? 

    I’m dreamig about exes, end of the world, being trapped on a sinking cruise boat (wtf lol). 

    Anyways just genuinely curious if anyone else had experienced this phenomenon or it’s just me 🙂 

  2. @Jenna366844 I haven’t experienced a rash or hair loss yet but oh my god the dreams are insane! Has anyone else experienced insane dreams. Like vivid, terrifying, hyper realistic dreams that make you wake up sweaty? I mean I guess I’ll fake nightmares over OBs but they’re intense af 

  3. Ugh that is also what I was concerned about as well. I am 99.99% last May when I had “terrible razor burn over my entire upper vagina” that was my first OB. that being said, my idiot self played it off as razor burn and fast forward to May 2018 being officially diagnosed. Now, since may I have had at least 5-6 OBs. Y’all last year it was like 1 every 7 months. SO I’m confused as hell about my body and my immune system..maybe it’s the anxiety of knowing that caused it? Idkkk

    but I am currently on a daily AV (my first week acrually) and I feel sooo much calmer. But now I’m concerned about my own body being able to fight it because I don t wanna be on valtrex daily for life. 

    Any suggestions or stories? 

    @ML93(this is kinda what we were discussing if you’re interested)

  4. @Bliss girl I was exactly where you were about 2 months ago. I didn’t get out of bed, didn’t eat, also considered all those godawful permanent options. 

    Let me tell you this; after 2 months of knowing my life is leveling out. I understand the OBs and what (mostly) is triggering them. I have a great support (my mom is amazing) I truly suggest you find at least one solid person in your life to talk to. Also, being on a daily antiviral has eased my anxiety SO much. 

    I also recently dated someone-my first disclosure- he honestly didn’t give a shit at all. Like for real. 

    Girl we’ll get through this I promise. Feel free to PM if you wanna talk more or just vent 🙂 

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  5. @Hoping I actually had a super vivid nightmare about waking up and my entire lady parts were covered in blisters -ugh- but upon waking up my OB has almost completely diminished. I am so thankful and I honestly chalk it up to the valtrex. 

    I am so sorry that your OBs are so bad but hey at least you don’t havw the itchy annoying painful blisters? You said you aren’t on any antivirals? I think that might help you honestly 

  6. @Freedom87 interesting; I actually haven’t looked into the oils..I assumed diet and stress relieving things like weight lifting and yoga would do the trick but I’m intrigued. Would you mind messaging me a little more info if you have time? 


    Also birth control is such a good idea!! The OBs that I have are mild but they generally do occur when I’m ovulating so that’s a super solid idea. Thanks so much for you advice!

  7. @CatMom did the doctor give you any antivirals or anything? I’m telling you just getting on a daily maintainace has alleviated so much stress and it also cuts down on transmission rates as well. Might be something to look into! This site also has an awesome sheet called “just the facts” that you should check out! 

  8. @CatMom Ugh I feel for you ..thats a tough situation to be in. I’m also newly diagnosed; no idea where it came from or how long I was harboring it. I will say though since I found out I’ve dated one person whom I disclosed to and he honestly did not think it was a big deal. I think the bigger issue here might be that you went back to the ex; not the herpes. But again, you don’t have to tell him HOW it hapoened, but, unfortunately, you do have to tell him if you all want to be intimate. My best advice would be to do some research, find a time when you’re comfortable..honestly I had a glass of wine or 2 before my talk, and just be honest. It’s just an annoying skin condition that doesn’t change who you are as a person. If you’d like to talk, I’m always available. Good luck 🙂 

    • Thanks 1
  9. @GeminiiGoddess thank you so much for your kind words. I know how important mental health is with this but my god I am struggling so much. I have days when I don’t reslly care and feel great and then I think about dating or having that godforsaken disclosure talk and I get swept up in anxiety (unfortunately I was already a fairly anxious person)

    my diet and exercise is honestly pretty on point. I cleaned up a lot when I found out about the virus but honestly before that I was pretty decent. I worked it quite a bit before; I’m actually in pretty solid shape too. It’s just my dang brain and accepting this. 

    Are you on daily valtrex for suppression or just when you have OBs? After this second one in less than 2 weeks (I think due to my stupid period) she agreed to give me 500mg once a day. So I’m hoping that alone will ease my spastic brain as well as combat flare ups. 


    Thank you so much for your kind words and advice truly. This is all so new and awful 

  10. @Hoping are you on any antivirals or anything or did you just let it run it’s course?

    i just had a very very mild OB (took the Valacyclovir AS SOON as I felt weird. I wasn’t even sure it was an OB but I’m glad I did)

    anyways i still got small red bumps but they never broke open and never even hurt...just look ugly af. And after 4 days they honestly seem to jsht be going away. 

    Anyone else have something like this? 

  11. @Anon85 totally agree; I have no idea when I contracted at all. All I know is that since I found out it’s been way worse. I had my second OB in 2 weeks so I went to my dr and she finally gave me suppressive therapy. I’m really hoping that it eases my anxiety as well as combats the virus because honestly I think most of my issue is the anxiety I get when I think about it. 

    Ill be aaaalmost asleep and then I’ll think about dating or having sex and I’m WIDE awake and panicked. God i hope this gets easier for us 😞

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  12. I am so so sorry you’re having such a tough time right now. I completely understand the unlovable mutant feeling but just trust that is NOT the case. I’m also having more OBs here lately and honestly it has to be because I’m worried about OBS. I wish I could offer you more sound advice and I really hope your OBGYN can get you on something to help. Maybe even with just the anxiety of it. I’m also looking into suppressive therapy but I haven’t read much good about it. Keep me posted; feel free to message me anytime!

    • Thanks 1
  13. So I am having a really really tough time right now. I officially found out I’m HSV2 positive back in May.  That being said, I went to my doctor and she gave me 3 fills of valtrex for when I think I’m having an OB. (3 days at 2 tabs per day) ok I’ve had 2 OB in the last 3 weeks and I’m about to lose my shit. The valtrex does not stop the blisters (she told me if taken soon enough I shouldn’t even see blisters) and the OBs are getting WORSE sand CLOSER together. Guys I’m seriously close to going off the deep end. I thought I could handle this and be upbeat because shit happens but is this my life now? Like seriously an OB 2 times a month? My anxiety is sky high-which isn’t helping the OBs- but I work out, I eat well, I sleep a ton. I DONT KNOW WHAT ELSE TO DO but idk if I can live like this. This constant fear that every tickle/itch/bump is an OB. 

    How can I tell if it’s actually an OB or a just an itch? I’m so upset  

    please please if anyone has an advice or suggestions I would so appreciate it. I haven’t even left my bed in a day because I feel like a diseased faker who is harboring this awful secret but pretending to be normal and I just can’t anymore. I’m at a total loss. 

  14. See that’s my issue as well; right around the time I ovulate I have an OB. like a lot here recently. Which is odd, because everyone says the longer you have it the better your body gets at combating it but I seriously feel the OPPOSITE. I’m so worried and concerned that every itch or tingle or pain is an OB. then I probably stress myself into breaking out. It’s really hard and takes weeks away from me. 


  15. First time poster; short time lurker! So I’m ready to share my experience and hopefully get some advice on how to handle my newfound situation. But I would like to start off by saying this forum and and these members have saved me in ways I cannot explain. There is such community here; such honesty and rawness and it has gotten me through the last few months as I come to terms with all these changes. I’m still me; just have to pay a little more attention to my body.


    So i was recently (around mid May) diagnosed with HSV-2. I went and got tested, because, clearly, I was having an OB. Now this being said I’m like 99.9% my very first (and awful) OB was roughly 2016 around Memorial Day because I specifically remember having awful “razor burn” that looking back now was 100% an OB. I honest to God thought it was just razor burn; I have super sensitive skin anyways so that was not out of the norm..but I had a feeling deep down. The several other OBs I had also occurred directly after shaving..so denial and of course google convinced me I was fine. Wrong.


    So, anyways, I went through all the typical awful feelings that come with the diagnosis; shame, embarrassment, overall misery. I’ve recently started seeing a psychiatrist (for other issues actually) but it’s all coming together and I’m actually starting to feel a bit like myself again. That being said, I need some advice.


    I completely understand that this effects everyone completely differently. I have recently started a new job so my health insurance hasn’t kicked in yet. I was able to get 3 valtrex scripts from a nurse practitioner for OBs (2 tabs twice a day for 3 days)


    I had my first OB since getting the script starting around Friday evening. I wasn’t sure; it was just a small tingly feel; started in my hip and then moved to a small red bump in the same area as my last OB. I immediately filled the Valacyclovir and took it.


    This morning I take my third dose and by the time I get to work I have a distinct set of hard clear blisters. I’m so confused and honestly fairly upset because I truly took the medicine ASAP. Is this always going to happen ?


    I will say the itch is SO MUCH LESS and there isn’t much pain, but god it’s just such an awful feeling having those itchy gross bubbles..and honestly I don’t even know it happened. I work out regularly, eat pretty well and have a good job. The only thing I’ve done different was masturbate Thursday evening. I was started on lexapro and I was genuinely curious if I would be able to orgasm; so does this mean that most time I masturbate I’ll have an OB? Am I just not going to be able to have orgasms? I’m frustrated and sad; I’m handling it but any advice or suggestions is welcomed and appreciated.


    Also shaving..I don’t think it’s a trigger but it could be?


    I have a WONDERFUL support group of family and several very close friends who know. I’m actually even dating someone H- (and yes I absolutely told him before we even kissed; i plan to share my disclosure story as well) but this has set me back mentally.


    Would a daily suppressant help with this? Did I take this round too late in the OB for it to halt the blisters? I feel that since my initial OB in May 2016 I have had at least 5-6 OB now..does this constitute as enough for a daily suppressant? I keep reading that after time your body gets stronger and better at fighting the virus but I honestly don’t feel like mine has.


    Anyways, apologies for the long winded post and I appreciate everyone’s comments and posts in this forum; even if I don’t receive any on this one.


    Stay strong and healthy my lovelies.

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