@Loyalloulou Don't worry they are 2 totally different viruses. I know it's a lot to take in.. I'm going through the same with the stress and depression down load some calming therapeutic music on your phone it helps me to sleep at night. The people on this forum and so knowledgeable and helpful they're helping me through this they can help you too... 🙂
@Whymewhynow I'm feeling a little better.. When to my Doctor today and he didn't have any solutions for me... Since my anxiety is through the roof he keeps saying I'm stressed😢.. That the anxiety has my body out of whack... i lost a little weight by cutting out sodas and fried foods and even more weight because I'm stressed I haven't eaten in days.. Thanks message me we can help each other but I'm going to warn you I'm an emotional wreck
It's going to be ok... I feel the same way but you know what everyday I wake up I thank God for a new day... I never know now I'm go ma feel until I wake up... Suicidal thoughts, brain fog but quest what? I'm here.... Hope's this makes you feel a little better
I take vitamin C and B12... I tried Lysine but they me constipated beyond belief!! I just cut of sodas and fried foods about a month ago... Only water to drink
Hi, I've had it for 8 years now and I get an out break I couple of days before my period every month... I don't take antivirals the side effects are worse than the pain 😢