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Everything posted by OutOfWit

  1. I thinks it's safe to say... Once we carry ourselves with confidence... Others will see us how we see ourselves. I don't even know for sure I have it... But I am already self loathing doubting etc. everyone is beautiful with something good to offer. We know this in our head... Maybe not our heart!
  2. Thanks Adrial... I just read that cultures have a 50-70% chance of being negative if not taken right away. I guess it's safe to say I won't know at this point until I get another one. If you were with the same person and getting married would you retest or just go on with life?
  3. I was looking at a site written by a specialist and it says some people have it... But have no symptoms. I guess I'm saying if I was one of those people.... How do you ever know :(
  4. Thanks Adrial! My regular doctor office -OB /GYN says if it is.... It is an atypical presentation and viral cultures are only accurate if sores are weeping. Which it was not... Just kind of a papercut but always in the same place. So if it never truly opens... How will I ever know?
  5. Hi everyone.... Thanks for this amazing forum. I am looking for feedback for my situation. Feeling incredibly low lately. I have always suffered from hsv-1 orally. And now my worst nightmare. I think I have hsv-1 genitally. I think this because to my knowledge it is the only reason for a recurrent sore in the exact same place. The first time it happened... I brushed it off. Second time...got a little worried. Third time just plain scared. I have already gotten it cultured. And the result was negative. The more it happens the more I try to talk to my fiancée about it. He is the only man I have been with in 4-5 years. He is needless to say- less than receptive. He goes cold and almost in denial. I try to tell him I think it is probably from kissing me and then oral- but he acts disgusted. Should I retest or try and save my relationship. I was open and honest about my fears. I am obsessing about getting a definitive answer but will it help or hurt me???
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