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Everything posted by OutOfWit

  1. So I asked three doctors at work today.... Showed them all the pictures.... They all disagreed on what they thought it was. And although they didn't mention herpes as one of the possibilities... It still worries me that she has a bump of mystery in that location!
  2. You did the right thing by trying. Maybe just tell her to go get tested and leave the ball in her court. Sorry you are going through this.
  3. Gosh this is so on point. Was just saying this to my fiancée because we were having an argument about H the other day. About how ironic it is that I have contracted H with as few partners as I have had and my fiancée on the other hand has been with more than he could probably count. I have one girlfriend who knows about my status and that is it. All the others I would feel judged by. I am a nurse and I hear how other nurses talk about patients we have with genital herpes like they are dirty, and it makes me so mad. More education needs to be done for sure.
  4. So sorry you did not get the reaction you were hoping for. Sounds like he made up his mind for the most part. Hang out with him as planned but do give him his space, and either way know you are already worth it with or without his approval!
  5. @MMissouri I totally am going to do that from now on as far as the toilet seat. Where my mind is at now though is what if she already has it. If it were not for the location and complaints of itching and discharge my mind would never have gone to H. My nerves are a wreck. Was reading on another forum of a mom who was positive for HsV 2 and gave it to her daughter somehow. Child protective services came and took the child for almost a whole year until they would prove it wasn't the mothers fault. Scary stuff. Not to mention I never want my child to go through the same thing I have.
  6. I just sent you the pictures. I guess they didn't go through the first time.
  7. Loved this post! Congratulations to you!
  8. That is a tough one..... I have no experience on disclosure since I was diagnosed mid relationship, but I wish you the best! Let us know how it works out!
  9. I feel like I am losing it. Did you get my email?
  10. I get them too. I have twitches in the calf muscle, buttocks and thighs while I'm having an outbreak. My doctor explained it as nerve irritation when the virus travels down the nerve.
  11. Hi.... I'm sorry to add this but I would absolutely tell him. Anytime you have sex with someone you put yourself at risk.... Which he did, however you have an obligation to tell him your status...I am not saying this unkindly but future prospect or not you should let him know so he can go get tested.
  12. Thank you MMissouri! I took her to the doctor and they were not worried about herpes because they said it would be in clusters.... In my case I have not always found that to be true, so it only eased my mind mildly. Part of my anxiety is the road I have taken in my own diagnosis lastly so long and driving me to the point where I am untrusting of doctors. Even Terri Warren was doubtful when I talked to her about it. But here I am, and I have it. The logical part of me knows that you can't get it from surfaces, lap sitting etc but the emotional part of me always thinks what if. What if I sat on the toilet seat and one of the lesions was draining and I didn't notice and then she (because you know how kids wait at the door the minute you go) went and sat down right after me. That is the location of her mark... Right at the middle between thigh and buttocks. I am definitely going to do what I can to cover my thighs as I have been doing lately. Is it possible to post pictures on here or in private message. Maybe a second opinion from someone who actually has it too would ease my mind?
  13. I know. It's just my worse fear. I'm worried because sometimes I get outbreaks on the thighs as well... And since i didn't know what they were what if she sat in my lap at some point and contracted it. She was itchy last week and I noticed discharge on her underwear but just chalked it up to being in a wet bathing suit all week.
  14. I'm absolutely terrified. After finally getting a diagnosis after atypical symptoms for over 7-8 years.... I'm now terrified I gave it to my daughter somehow. She is only 8. Saw her getting out of the pool yesterday and noticed she had a sore on her bottom right where the bathing suit edge would be. I've thought of the possibility of a bug bite.... But how uncommon is that in that area? She said it itches and really hurts. There has never been any foul play and she never went to daycare or slept over at anyone's house. I am so protective of her because she is my only child and my whole heart. Is it possible she may have contracted it from a toilet seat? Taking her to the doctor today but dying inside.
  15. Sorry you have to deal with such a vile person. Stay far away from him!
  16. I absolutely agree! I'm just so tired of living with these symptoms the prodromes are constant and I'm so tired of waking up to them everyday. I just want a positive swab and then go from there
  17. I really think it is genital hsv1. I just need to find out why I am having daily outbreaks
  18. @WCSDancer2010 no just visual. The two swabs I have had done were not caught in time. I have every single symptom. Tingling nerve pain itching burning... Blisters on vagina thighs buttocks. Can't wait to get these swabs back positive so someone will take me seriously. I have a new spot every single day.
  19. It's so outrageous! When I questioned her she followed up her statement by saying well you could but it's less than one percent.
  20. I know me too. That's why I am having constant outbreaks. Inbox me if you want!
  21. I've only tried a few on the list but the only thing I have found is helpful to me is reducing stress.
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