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Everything posted by Sab123

  1. I've only had one outbreak and when I got it I had a fever and minor cold but this feels like a full on cold when I had my outbreak the dr told me I was feeling sick because of the virus but I was also in pain when I peed for 3 days before that happens and then 48 hours before I went to te dr I wa screaming In pain they say the virus attacks wen your immune system is down so some do get outbreaks during a cold and some don't that's y most ppl who have oral herpes get a cold sore when they are sick I'm jut hoping this is a regular cold with no relation so far there is no sign of anything thank god cross my fingers
  2. Still no sign and no feeling of an ob as of yet thank god but now I think I'm getting a cold :( hopefully it doesn't bring a friend along with it if you know what I mean anyway just updating dnt one who cares lol hope everyone had a great Christmas and please keep my health in your thoughts as I do yours hoping to not have to go throught it again for a while fingers crossed xoxo
  3. I'm so scared to try that in my private area so far so good no visual sign of a ob fingers crossed happy holidays everyone
  4. Thank you I'm trying stress is a huge factor this year has been full of nothing but stress happy holidays
  5. Again I'm just here to vent so just ignore of you wan go woke up this morning to some itching and sore legs so now I'm freaking out that another outbreak is starting just in time to ruin my Christmas am New Years I'm such a worrier and I think every thing will trigger an outbreak I think I'm making myself crazy but this time I really feel like it's the start of something there's no pain or itching now but my body is so sore I've been taking lysine 1000mg a day since October so hopefully that has been helping I'm just so tired of worrying when it's gonna happen again I really really hope this isn't an ob :(
  6. Really this works how do you apply it and and is it painful , can it be used vaginally or is it just for oral sorry for all the questions lol
  7. Ugh it sounds so easy but impossible at the same time but I'm gonna try thank you and happy holidays
  8. Also what can I do to relieve it how can I just un stress myself it feels impossible
  9. So does this mean an outbreak is starting ?
  10. Just an update as of now I have not had a oral outbreak thank god
  11. Get everyone sorry I haven't posted in a while but u have been reading almost everyday everything has been pretty good thank god I still have not had another ob since my 1st I. Oct hopefully u don't for a while praying I don't fingers crossed but today I have been having very bad back pain but on my upper back my shoulders and my neck could this be because of h or could I have just slept wrong or something I'm sorry I'm just paranoid and I'm always so scared the littlest thing is a sign I have been very stressed lately and kind of depressed crying a lot but I don't feel any symptoms around the area so I'm a little scared and confused it sucks cuz before a minor back ach would have never worried me :( ps for anyone who doesn't know my story I have genital hsv1
  12. You guys are right some days are better then others it just sucks that in going to have a life timer reminder of a time I which I can just forget my life isn't ruined I'm just still angry at the whole situation I feel like it's karma for leaving him when he really loved my but I left because I wanted to I wanted up be happy and I wanted to be with someone I really really loved not someone who treated me like that I am lucky to have found my amazing boyfriend it's just been a really rocky road for us since my diagnosis
  13. I'm only 22 and I met my ex when I was 13 started dating him at 14 and was with him for almost 7 years key words I was with him he treated me horrible but I thought I loved him so I put up with it he cheated on me went behind my back talked bad about me denied me and ignored me for most of the 5 years and I accepted it I thought he was all I ever would find I was young and scared so I stayed when he came around and really changed I didn't want it anymore I guess I grew up and realize what I wante and deserved best choice I ever made now I'm with my current boy friend who I love so much we have been together for over a year and sadly I have just found out in oct I have hsv 1 genitally from my ex :( ruined my youth now my life it was hard and still is to deal with it but I have only had one ob and hoping to not have one for a long time fingers crossed anyway make a long story longer lol my boyfriend was very scared at first but he hasn't left my side and I just hope that we can get through this together I do not want to loose him sex since the on has been very hard and it's putting a stress on us he's being patient but he is a man and has needs that I try I fulfill them anyway possible tmi sorry lol but I jut wish we didn't have to be limited we are very affection it and it's jut sad that we have to control ourselves it's getting better and better I'm just trying to stay positive that's my story keep your fingers crossed for me and I'll do the same for you xoxo
  14. I feel your pain but in a different situation I'm in a relationship and so in love but there is so much stress getting between us we have a beautiful thing but my anger gets in our way sometimes I feel like the world is against me he has accepted me with he and isn't going anyway as he says to be but other stress and depression is getting in between us and I don't want to let it anymore so I'm trying to work on that it's scary the thought of loosing your best friend the only one you want but you will find someone to accept you but if you don't already have that someone accept your self first you will be okay we all will in time
  15. I also have hsv one genitally I had a scare and thought if was happening on my lip last week but so far nothing I'm just hoping I stay clear of every thing for a while I'm not on suppressive meds but I take lysine and vitamins b complex almost every day fingers crossed for me @inspired you should never feel like that there is so much worse that can happen to you herpes is not life treating you should protect yourself so you don't get something that can take away your life. It sounds ignorant but I don't think herpes is an std nor should it be called that it is a rash people have it on there arms and legs obviously they weren't having sex with those things u can get it through sex but not always
  16. I'm still hoping it's not on my lip I don't see anything I went and bought abreva so I hope this works it a lip break out as bad as genital?
  17. Wcsdancer2010 look at my newest post I actually just explained it on there lol http://herpeslife.com/herpes-forum/discussion/1895/on-my-lip-now-why/p1
  18. I love that story it's just so hard to stay positive when things keep getting thrown at you, it's not inside it feels like its on the side of my upper lip since Thursday I felt slightly uncomfortable but I thought it was from the cold or I burned it and it would stop and come back last night I noticed a I miss you little bump but I can only feel it with my toung I can't see it I'm just freaking out I have a fear of getting it all over my mouth inside and out
  19. So if you follow my other convos you know I had a great breakthrough but with good follows bad for some reason my luck is horrible and I'm always being knocked down my first outbreak was over a month ago it was genitally now I think I'm starting a breakout on my lip and I'm so upset and depressed idk why this is happening to me how can I tell if this is a breakout and when it comes to lip is it normally just one sore or is my mouth gonna be covered inside and out I'm so lost and confused and mad all over again why is this happening
  20. I'm please to announce that last night I was finally able to do the deed !!!! There was a little discomfort but nothing bad and it was amazing to feel like I'm back however there was still light bleeding I'm so confused by that but happy that it was a success I hope the next time is even better fingers crossed
  21. The scary thing out time line is the exact same!! And I'm so scared to get another one but so Far so good I'm hoping for the best it's crazy out dates are exact lol
  22. Can anyone give some exercises that can relax me and calm me down like a breathing exercise or something I need to avoid this stress and I've been very moody shirt fused and angry and I hate if I need help controlling my anger
  23. So you wear them always or just during an outbreak my issue is I love my leggings and tight jeans lol and love to avoid panty lines
  24. I feel your pain I'm actually the one who wrote the post that was added to this thread about falling about and I wish that everything was just normal I to experience very painful sex it feels as if my skin is tearing like a scratch it's horrible I'm trying to Stay positive I hope it gets better soon good luck to you keep us posted if anything works for you please I'm open to try anything to avoid pain
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