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Everything posted by JJlove

  1. I’ve had HSV2 for about 8 months now and while I don’t get bad outbreaks or sores really, I consistently have prodrome symptoms that are always active. I recently feel burning around my mouth and at the top of my back which is strange as I’ve never had this before. Is it possible for HSV2 to spread to other parts of my body? I know auto-inoculation can happen when first contracted and I’m wondering if I may have spread it to those parts at that time and just now having symptoms. No sores but I have a teeny bump that looks like a pimple and two pimples on my upper back that I’m wondering I’m now worried could be herpes, even though it’s just a hard bump. Is it even possible to get herpes on your back?
  2. Hi @kdogstew! I started taking Valtrex daily about two weeks ago and also feel like I’m having more symptoms than usual. Did you find out if your wife got better after taking it for awhile or did she stop? Any advice would be helpful!
  3. I’m a health coach so I live a healthy lifestyle in regard to what I eat and I take vitamin c, zinc and lysine every day. I can try to cut out chocolate and nuts for 30 days to see if that helps but I think it’s deeper than that. I think there’s something underlying that’s causing consistent prodrome symptoms that I’m going to explore by getting labs done. I work with functional doctors to try and get to the root cause so I’m going to test for any type of infections or imbalances in the gut. As far as the antiviral, I take if I actually get an outbreak for 3 days but I’m not on it daily. I’m trying to avoid it for now as any medication can complicate certain systems in the body and I’m of the mindset of getting to the root to fix the issue and hopefully that will help suppress the virus. If I don’t get anywhere, I may have to take them daily but trying other routes for now. @ashleytiffania unfortunately, the OBGYN has no advice besides taking the antiviral. I’m going to see an infectious disease doctor in March so hoping she has some more answers. If anyone else is the same way and has found a way to holistically manage their symptoms, please let me know!
  4. I was diagnosed with HSV2 about 4 months ago after contracting it 5 months ago. While I luckily don’t get severe outbreaks or sores (usually a small red bump) it seems to constantly be active, especially in the past month. I always have the prodrome symptoms of either tingling, burning or it feels like something is dripping sometimes. I’m not sure why it’s been more active and shedding non-stop in the past month than the months prior but it doesn’t seem to ever go dormant. Does anyone else deal with this? If so, any idea what could be causing it to always be active? I’m wondering if there is an underlying infection or bacteria that is causing my immune system to be in overdrive, causing the virus to be more present. I also get more tired when I do get a visible bump. Anyone else? Any tips or recommendations would be super helpful!
  5. Has anyone noticed specific foods that trigger outbreaks? I know everyone is different and not everyone reacts to the same thing, but I know there are certain foods high in arginine that could potentially cause the virus to be active like nuts, seeds, chocolate, etc. would be curious to know what people have noticed trigger their outbreaks most.
  6. @mr_hoppyes I’ve been taking lysine and monolaurin every day. I only contracted the virus as little less than 3 months ago so I know my body is still adjusting but I’m hoping and praying I can get myself to a place where my immune system is strong (I’m working on my gut to help with this) and can suppress the virus. My biggest fear is that it will just continue to be active consistently and never go dormant, but I’m trying to be optimistic.
  7. Thanks @mr_hopp! Unfortunately, the doctor just said everyone is different and that I can go on suppressive therapy with the antivirals if I want. I’m trying to avoid taking daily antivirals for now as I’d like my body to figure out how to handle the virus on its own first and utilize natural techniques if possible. It just seems like the virus is always active and never dormant since I also have one or two small bumps that appear and the consistent prodrome symptoms which are frustrating. I just would like to figure out a way to keep it dormant for longer periods of time instead of it always being active.
  8. Hi @mr_hopp! Any thoughts on the above?
  9. Thanks @mr_hopp! I haven’t spoken to my doctor about this yet but I have an appointment in a week and plan to speak to her then. Separately, I feel my herpes is always active. I contracted it almost 3 months ago and while my outbreak are very minor with one or two very tiny red bumps that don’t blister, I consistently feel prodrome symptoms of either tingling, itching or mild burning that rarely goes away. It doesn’t seem to go dormant even after taking valtrex for 3 days every so often. Is this normal? I’m trying everything I can to keep it dormant but I feel prodrome symptoms more often than not.
  10. I was diagnosed a couple of months ago with HSV2 and while my outbreaks aren’t bad (I get a couple of very tiny red bumps), I’m pretty sure it’s also showing up on my legs. I’ve notice a tiny bump that looks like a small blister on the top of my right calf and another bump above my right knee that has been there for weeks. Is it possible for hsv2 to show up anywhere on your legs? I know it can appear anywhere in the genital areas including on your but cheeks and upper thighs, but I didn’t think it could appear on the lower legs. I don’t believe I’ve spread it to these areas since they’re hard to reach. Does anyone know if this is possible?
  11. Hi @bluey! I’m so sorry you’re dealing with this. I know what it feels like to get this news and think the worst and that life won’t be the same as I was diagnosed a few weeks ago. However, educating myself more about the virus has been super helpful and allowed me to grasp this diagnosis. I’m 36 yo and not as young as you are but I don’t think being younger or older is better. Just know that it is sooooo common especially amongst women. 1 in 5 women have genital herpes. We are all just super uneducated about it but you really start to realize the reason behind the stigma is because no one knows anything about it and as soon as you learn, you actually realize it’s really not that big of a deal. I think educating yourself and then sharing what you’ve learned with your mom will allow her to better understand how common it is and the stigma around it. And as for pregnancy, you can absolutely have a healthy pregnancy. The doctor usually will put someone on an antiviral a couple of weeks before delivery to ensure they don’t have an outbreak so they don’t pass it to the baby but soooo many people have totally normal pregnancies. Hang in there! We’re all in this together but I can assure you, it will get better!
  12. Hi @Confusedanddepressed! I’m curious how you physically have been feeling having an autoimmune disease with HSV2 outside of the more frequent outbreaks. I have fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue and after contracting HSV2, my chronic fatigue is worse and I’m always tired. I know it takes time for our immune systems to learn how to deal with the virus but I’m worried that since it is overloaded and working so hard to combat several things, it’s having a harder time suppressing herpes. Just curious what your experience with having an autoimmune + herpes has been.
  13. Thank you @mr_hopp! Very insightful. Only other question is if my body might start to better adjust once I start making antibodies to the virus? Since my blood test came back negative, it indicates I haven’t created the antibodies yet and I’m wondering if I’ve been consistently fatigued since contracting it because my immune system hasn’t built a response to it yet. I’m hoping that once I create antibodies, I won’t feel as tired and I won’t consistently get the prodrome symptoms which seem to be there all of the time, indicating the virus has been active non-stop.
  14. Thank you @mr_hopp! The complicated part about my outbreaks thus far is they don't present as a standard sore. It shows up as a very tiny red bump that looks almost like razor burn or ingrown hair and doesn't turn into a sore. While I'm fortunate to not get bad outbreaks, the bump takes awhile to go away and sticks around for like two weeks, even if I take valtrex to help speed up the recovery process. Since it doesn't typically scab or even if it does it is so so tiny, nothing falls off. I've attached a photo for reference. I had bloodwork done 6 weeks after exposure which was negative but my culture came back positive. I'm going back to get bloodwork again in a month, but I assume I am definitely positive if the culture came back positive, right? My worry is that I have fibromyalgia and my worst symptom when I have a fibro flare up is chronic fatigue. I have consistently been feeling more tired than usual since contracting HSV2 and I'm worried that will always be the case now that this virus is active and stressing out my immune system. Any thoughts or experience of others who are dealing with other health issues and how HSV2 affected them?
  15. I was recently diagnosed with genital HSV2 and looking to connect with someone who is going through the same thing so that we can support each other. I am a 36 yo female in nyc. Open to any connections!
  16. I was just diagnosed with genital HSV2 and I am definitely shocked. I know it only takes 1 time of unprotected sex to potentially contract it, but given the fact that there's only a 10% chance of getting it and I only had sex with this person twice is shocking. He said he has never had symptoms and didn't know he had it, although II'm skeptical as his responses were very casual. I guess it doesn't matter since I can't change the fact that I have it. I'm now paranoid that I will spread it to other parts of my body. Is this possible? If so, can it be spread anywhere on the body or just the mouth and eyes? I often look in a magnifyig mirror to see if anything is there and wash my hands afterwards, but my tiny bump or two is mostly on the bikini line so I'm nervous I may accidentally touch it and spread it. I'm not planning on being intimate with anyone soon, but when I do, how long after an "outbreak" is it safe to have sex? Do you have to wait until the bump is completely gone? I dont really get sores. More like a small red bump. I would love an H opportunity buddy to connect with! It would be great to talk about this with other people that have or is going through the same thing who can offer guidance. Hopefully I can do the same for them!
  17. Hi @worrieduser42! I was recently diagnosed and have the same timeline as you do. They were able to take a culture from a very small sore I had which came back positive, but they said that 6 weeks isn't really enough time for antibodies to show up in blood work. It can take months before your immune system builds up antibodies. If the culture comes back negative, my recommendation would be to go back in another month to get another blood test. If you happen to have any active sores between now and then, go right away to get it swabbed as that will be the most accurate for testing. Hoping it comes out negative but either way, you will be okay!
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