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Everything posted by havefaith427

  1. He has gotten a sore since I was tested so we saw no ppint since it's pretty much h confirmed. I never got a blood test for it. My antibiodies were off a year ago but they never knew why they did realize it was a little off because I was exposed to Lymes just never had it. Ugh I just wish I could know where and when.
  2. Ok I have a bizarre question. Let me first go into detail with the story... ok I work in a medical building and it just so happens the obgyn is in there too. And let me tell you, this is not what I call an amazing practice. The girls there are very catty, petty, and immature. They are always arguing with each other, stealing labs from the medicall assistants so they get in trouble for loosing the patients lab work. Ok so on January 30th I got my early pap smear done, got tested, of course not for hsv because you can really only ever know through an outbreak. Well in the meantime my coworker told me that she had herpes. So in March I started getting the symptoms of hsv. And then on March 17th I was diagnosed.... do you think they may have used a dirty instrument on me??? I trust my bf 100% and really don't think he chested on me. But I went 3 years without sex and I get it after a year with my bf. Again I trust my bf that he didn't cheat on me. It's just really odd that I had an ob a month after I got my pap smear
  3. Thank you so much everyone. I have itching all over down there now and I'm a little confused as if it's due to an ob or maybe yeast infection. .. ugh I hate the itchiness. Im having a hard time sleeping because the itching keeps me up at night
  4. Thanks so much. It's starting to turn a tad painful but nothing major lol
  5. Ugh sorry for so many typos. I'm posting this through my phone lol
  6. Hello since the last time I posted I went off my suppressants. I've had two outbreaks in the past few weeks. HOWEVER, I do know the first year or two obs can happen a lot. And I cannot even complain because the first ob lasted a few days and was only one lesion. This one came up about a few days ago and is only one lesion. So again I'm not complaining lol. I'm pretty lucky. The last ob I had was a little pInful but bareable. This one however is incredibly itchy. Barely aby pain but omg the itch is driving me up the damn wall. I want to scratscratch it so bad but I don't want to burst it open or risk spreating it to my fingers, even though I do get Whitlow on my one finger. So my question is... what do you use for the itch? I have been putting tea tree oil on the lesions which seems to help them die off faster. But this ob is a darn booher lol. Trying to hang on for dear life. And I don't want it to. So please help with advice of what you do in these itchy times lol
  7. I get whitlow on my left ring finger... Ugh I hate it!
  8. I also like: Only in darkness can you see the stars. also Sometimes when you're blind, time seems darkest, you can often see things more clearly
  9. Hello, I am a mom of one 3.5 year old girl. Not sure if I had it before I was pregnant or after since this virus can stay dormant for quite sometime. I without thinking and in a rush one day shared the same wash cloth and then had a huge panic attack for at least a week thinking I could have gave her H... But these lovely people here helped me calm down and relax! I worry more about her other health issues more than her getting H. I sometimes get the whitlow so it shows up on my finger, but I just put a band aid on it, so when I do cuddle her, which is a lot, there would not be a fear if I could have transmitted it. But I have anxiety like you would not believe. I worry about literally EVERYTHING!!!! I'm really thinking of going to therapy or get on medicine for it. However, me and my daughter share drinks and kisses and she is fine!!! I also share drinks with my best friend and 3 godchildren and they are all fine as well. Don't worry their mom is the bff I mentioned so she knows about my diagnosis.
  10. Hi Sam. I'm Katie. Nice to meet you!
  11. I love this post! People are dying everyday from types of cancers, HIV/AIDS, now Ebola, and tons more. We have something that is more of a nuisance then a real health issue. We will not die from this, we will not be hooked up to machines from this, we will not have to do tons of tests because of this. We are fine. Millions of people have it way worse.
  12. I'm kind of liking allowing my immune system handle it so then it can get used to H faster
  13. Hey hunny. I work in the medical field and Dancer is right. When you get your yearly pap smear they do not test for hpv. However, they do look for any abnormal cells. If there are any abnormal cells then they will bring you back in to do further testing. Hpv is very common. I do not have it but majority of my friends do. It can be dangerous since it can turn into cancer but that is why we have to get checked every year. Hang in there hun! It will get better!
  14. Well most of you know that I work in a medical facility. Here we have obgyn, pediatrics (which I work in), family doctor, pain management, same day surgery, etc... Anyways... When I was first diagnosed it was by our nurse practitioner in the gyn office. She was nice about it but also kinda cold as well.... She prescribed me to take the suppressants. Well she is no longer here and I ran out of my meds. So I asked the midwife over there to refill my prescription since she is not that busy with patients. She filled it but told me to try to stop all suppressants and to just take it when I have an outbreak. Well I tried doing so and ended up with an outbreak not even a week later. HOWEVER, from what I could tell it was only maybe 3 sores. It started on Thursday, it was painful but pretty bearable. And by yesterday it was completely gone, with only taking the valtrex (well the generic kind) 2 times a day. I was so amazed with my immune system. I'm really hoping that is how my outbreaks stay... very few sores, bearable, and short lived! Yayyyy!!!
  15. Although I am mad at my best friend for telling other people about me having H. She is always telling me that I have nothing to be embarrassed of because its just cold sores and that is all. So in way I am upset but then relieved that she doesn't think its a big deal. She even drinks off me all the time and eats off me.
  16. Its crazy how much your bf sounds like mine lol. Lets hope they aren't the same guy lol!!! Kidding of course!
  17. Our stories are very similar! My bf thought he was chafin because of dry intercourse but a few days later I was in terrible pain. I thought I cut myself shaving, until I noticed a bump. I went to the doctors and they diagnosed me. I was so upset. I thought my bf was going to leave me and think I was nasty or thought I was cheating. But he was very cool about it and didn't care. We still don't know who gave it to who. We both live in different states but 4.5 hours away since he is in the navy. But we were diagnosed in March and we are still going strong. I do not resent him because he loves me very much and I know he would intentionally do this to me if he had known he had it.
  18. @Sil88 yes exactly what it looks like! Ugh I hate it!!! But thank you
  19. lmao @seeker you are hilarious!!! Sore throat? Herpes!!! Kidney Stone ? Herpes! lol. I actually just got a kidney stone the other day... Of course it wasn't really herpes related but funny to blame it on herpes anyway lol! @Sil88 yes that is what I am talking about. Mine start as little circles under my skin in the shape of a circle. It is flesh colored then it changes to red and purple, then scabs and falls off. Last one took 3 to 4 weeks!!! I hope this one only takes a week or two. Its been a few days now.
  20. I went to see my neurologist for the first time and they were asking what types of medicine I was on. I said Valtrex, already embarrassed that I had to say it... Then he says and why are you on that... I wanted to scream at him and say "Why the hell do you think?" I don't take it for a vitamin... it was frustrating.
  21. Has anyone else experienced a throbbing urethra. Where it seems like your pee hole is having spams like you are urinating. I tested my urine at work, which is a benefit of working at a medical office. My levels in billirubin, ph, gravity, and protein were a little high but not elevated enough for an infection. Wondering if this is herpes related. I hope that I am not getting an outbreak near my urethra... That would be very painful!!!
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