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Everything posted by lm44

  1. Okay, so I've been pretty postive the past week or so, but this morning I just can't. The end of last week I finally felt like I was back to having no H prodrome symptoms and feeling normal. I went running for the first time Monday since my diagnosis/primary outbreak (aka it had been a month) and after my run I cleaned my nether region very well with unscented all natural soap, did the blow dryer, and sprayed my gold bond power spray. If felt freeing to run again. I am a huge health person and I love to workout and take care of myself so this past month of feeling constricted did not help me to emotionally deal with H. But I finally thought I was at a place where I could. I only ran 1 mile, and did a 5 minute warm up walk and 5 minute cool down walk Yesterday I did light stretching and felt very little irritation. This morning I did yoga for 45 minutes and after I was done I hoped in the shower. While in the shower I felt more irritation down there and I just started crying hysterically... Can I not freaking workout anymore because of this!? I thought working out was GOOD, yes I know, strenuous workouts can trigger outbreaks but I have NOT been doing anything strenuous. I know I just got my diagnosis a month ago and it takes time for the body to build up antibodies, so do I just need to be careful the next 5 months and let this take its course until my immune system/body is handling it better? I've been reading on various threads here that that Genital HSV1 is usually not as bothersome down there after the first outbreak because its in a area of the body that it doesn't nessesarily like as much...am I a freaking anomaly!? Sorry guys, I just CAN'T! If I can't even enjoy my workout regime without worrying about stupid prodome symptoms or an outbreak I am going to lose my mind. Ugh. Okay, well I feel a little better having said all this...thank you for listening...sorry for the anger... Any insight/feedback would be greatly appreciated!
  2. I use unscented soft soap for sensitive skin that is all natural. I usually will use my regular poof on the rest of my body and then use a soft cotton wash cloth in the nether region where my first outbreak appeared. I blow dry with a blow dryer after and use gold bond powder spray as well! Hope this helps!
  3. @lifeislovely THANK YOU ❤️ Copying and pasting this post to read everytime I feel down!
  4. @whitedaisies yes when in doubt always disclose but alas the stigma (like every stigma) is ridiculous & completely un-empathetic to those of us who directly have to deal with it
  5. Thank you @WCSDancer2010 you are amazingly helpful as always!
  6. So, from what I've read on this site having genital HSV 1 is seemingly more contagious to my partner if they are to give my oral sex?
  7. Good news! My other tests results came back and I am NEGATIVE for HIV, Hep B&C, Syphilis, Chlamydia, & Gonorrhea :) YAY! Small but great victory after everything this past month...I can't believe it's almost been a month... Other good news! The guy I've been seeing and was intimate with before my diagnosis has been super supportive/understanding/and continues to tell me I'm still as beautiful and want-able as I was before. I even gave him the link to this site and he's been educating himself :) I have decided to bask in the goodness of this news & have the best day I've had since my diagnosis :) as well as the best weekend coming up! Thanks for the support all!
  8. @whitedaisies first, you're amazing for sticking to your guns and advocating for yourself - I am so sorry you doctor has been a complete D*CK (can we swear on here?) & your partner was a complete fool to let someone as strong as you go. You've gotta feel what you've gotta feel which is angry and negative because hell who the f--- wants to live their life with a virus, especially when it is causing you all these other medical concerns. No one does, but so many HAVE lived their lives fully and will continue to do so. Sending you love <3 L
  9. Hi Everyone, I have genital HSV 1. I believe I am having a mild outbreak, I feel some irritation and it's a bit itchy, but I'm not entirely clear on what a "mild" outbreak can look/feel like. Any feedback on this would be great! Also, I have been experiecing headaches which I had consistently during my primary outbreak...are symptoms of a primary outbreak able to happen during subseqeunt outbreaks? Thanks! <3 L
  10. Hello :) anyone from New Jersey willing to be my H buddy? I'm female 24 just diagnosed with HSV 1 Genital last month. Thanks!
  11. @adrial Thank you so much for the video, it was really moving and helpful to give me a new perspective on depression symptoms. Thank you so much for creating this space, it really is amazing to have a support system like this. @dancer You're inspiring & I appreciate your feedback so so so so much. You are right, H is an opportunity to deal my "shit" so to speak that I haven't for so long. (Sorry for the cursing)
  12. Hi there. I posted about a week ago at the end of my first outbreak. Although I have felt very supported and loved by those I've told I can't shake this feeling of sadness and unworthiness and unloveable-ness. This forum has really helped me to see that no, it's not the end of the world. I guess I just have to find my own way to really believe that right? I've cried every night since I first went to the gyno with my symptoms. I also suffer from depressive episodes and generalized anxiety disorder so this is really hitting me hard given my mental health concerns. I'm so lucky to have such an amazing and supportive gyno though! Definitely counting my blessings there and I am so sorry to all those here that have had the worst experiences with there own doctors...for real though, they need to discuss the idea of empathy in these friggin medical schools and hospitals! I guess I am just very scared and unsure of where to go from here. Perhaps I should see this as a silver lining somehow...maybe it will make my relationships from this point forward more about finding that intimate connection on a personal level rather than jumping right into it with sex. Maybe it's a sign I should be concentrating on myself more. Now I'm just simply rambling, but I am so thankful to have a space to ramble to. So thank you all for listening. Eventually, I hope and know, I will get to a place where I won't let H define me, it's just simply something I have and live with, but that doesn't mean it controls my life and overall happiness. <3 L
  13. Thank you both for responding, it means a lot! I went to my gyno for a two week check up today and he said everything is all healed up well and that it doesn't look like another outbreak is occurring. He said my skin could just be feeling sensitive because I'm still showing little pink/red dots where the sores where. I've decided to go with daily suppressive therapy of Valtrex. We also took blood samples to test for HIV, Hep C, and Syphilis. My urine test from my last visit came back negative for Chlamydia and Gonorrhea (YAY!). Again, my doctor is awesome and today feels like a much better day. Thanks again <3 Lots of love!
  14. Hi Everyone, This is my first post. I had my first outbreak exactly two weeks ago. The first week was pretty rough but as it healed it got better of course. It's essentially healed but I think I feel a second outbreak coming on, which I was worried about because I am getting my period. I've been taking Valtrex twice a day as my doctor told me and also have been taking Lysine and Echinacea for my immune system. I haven't been eating well and because I was healing I began drinking coffee/alcohol again which I am now starting to think was a bad idea. This whole thing has really crushed me. I broke up with my boyfriend of four years back in April and threw myself into dating too soon. I started seeing an older guy and the whole time I knew something was off about him but I put my trust into him. After two months of seeing/sleeping together I had my first signs/symptoms two weeks ago today. I was proud of myself for seeing my gyno right away and he confirmed it to be herpes. My gyno was great, he told me people make this out to be much more than it is which is a skin condition in a sensitive area. He made me feel normal almost and was very kind even disclosing that he has oral herpes. When I confronted this older guy he made me feel awful, even trying to blame me for what happened. I went through the timeline with my doctor though and my doctor is very certain, as I am, that I contracted it from this guy given the severity of my outbreak. I haven't talked to that guy since. I did reach out to my ex boyfriend and he has been my rock through this whole thing. I just don't know how I'm going to be able to make it through yet another outbreak, is this even possible to have two back-to-back? I'm scared and really struggling to keep my positive mindset going. I know it's not the end of the world but I can't help but feel like I'm drowning. I'm trying so hard to keep it together. I'm sorry for the negativity of this post but I appreciate having this space so much right now. If anyone can give me a silver lining I would greatly appreciate it <3 Thank you for listening!
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