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Posts posted by seeker

  1. ok, the kidney thing struck me. I had some side discomfort and im not sure if it was prodomes or not. but my friend I have also had kidney stones and those can begin as a dull pain in your side and for me begin to feel like someone just cupchecked you, only ALL THE TIME!! until that little rock comes out. I also noticed that it started last time with misreading my antivral rx and taking 3 pills a day PLUS all my supplements. I cut out the supplements and went to 1 pill a day for a week before going to the correct rx which is 2 a day. now I don't take lysine nor zinc but have resumed my gummie vitamins ( yay perpetual youthfulness culture) my red krill and my emergen-C. occasionally and only for no more than 4 days ill take Echinacea/goldenseal for immune boost when feeling odd.

  2. all these laws were written for serial"givers" people who just don't give a damn also for sex workers who can spread them far and wide quickly. it is however very, very hard to prove when and who and motive. and not to be insensitive, you know I have herpes myself, id rather the law deal with murders and rapists than someone who has herpes and gave it to someone else. now, that being said, someone purposefully going around trying to give it to people, different story.

  3. I am going to chime in here. I can see the whole didn't really know about herpes thing to some point, but, he didnt do his due diligence. I know it can be the whole stigma thing but I fail to understand someone being told they have a lifelong, transmittable virus and not learning more about it. maybe,, just maybe his doctor was ignorant and told him, " well you cant give it to someone w/o an OB so you don't really need to go around telling everyone" however, last I checked its almost 2015 and there are tons of info out there, even the CDCs info mentions asymptomatic shedding and any doctor who willfully doesn't keep up to date on information is negligent. cmon, an army doctor not seeing lots of STIs???? really, believe that ive got some swampland to sell you.

  4. ok, im not sure how I missed this thread but im sheepishly chiming in.


    read the fuck yes thing. I call bs. try being honest and real and not cloy. men have been taught by our moms, sisters, wives, girlfriends, coworkers, etc that if we say the wrong thing, even if its true and how WE feel. there will be hell to pay if it somehow, someway in some intangible way isn't exactly what the female in question wants to hear.


    also it sounds wayyy too "oprahish" for me. know what? every couple ive met who made it more than 15 years ( which is forever in our throw away, im not happy right now society) were in the grey area a whole hell of a lot of the time. ive known multiple couples who have been together 40+ years and relationships have their ups and downs, things always run in cycles. both have been utterly passionate for the other AND have wanted to strangle them in their sleep. the difference? they weren't the big whiney, needy children we are today ( do you see current people in America dealing with The Great Depression and WW2 in the same way? ).


    guess what? Brad Pitt isn't going to walk through the door and ask you to marry him. To many people are like Jerry Springfield in his show, finding excuses ( often trivial) to end the relationship.


    now as to the OP, three, you stated back at the beginning that you would like to talk to a man dealing with this. here I am, talk to me beautiful.


    I will say, the guy seems to be stringing you along. im not there and not privey to all the info but it doesn't sound good. but then again I tend to be too honest and open for my own good.

  5. @ catapiddir (lol) back to the OP, yer doctor sounds like she has never had good oral sex and doesn't want anyone else to, the whole " oral is never a good idea no matter what" is a tell. I have met a couple of women in my life who didn't like it because they were "uncomfortable" with someones face down there. ???? im not sure what that means in woman speak but if the person going down there is ok with it why wouldn't she be? (paranoia about hygiene maybe??)

    personally (tmi) its my favorite way to pleasure my woman ( when I have one :( ).

  6. are you saying you have both 1 and 2?


    as I understand it, swabs can be hit or miss. I believe its 48 hrs from origin or the reliability drops considerably as the live virus isn't in the bump anymore, or in significant enough numbers to be tested for.

  7. i would be careful introducing all these supplements into your body at once. i went off on several and when i started taking antivirals i got a lot of "discomfort" in my side ( i have a very high pain tolerance, you would too if you met my ex) when i stopped all of the supplements it went away and now ive been introducing them again 1 at a time. im not taking lysine at all as with the antivirals i figure its moot.


    i do like taking an Echinacea/goldenseal for a few days when i think something is going on. had it work wonders for colds and such in the past, however, i don't take that one no more than 4 days without a break.

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