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Posts posted by seeker

  1. actually it is healthier to not have the foreskin, stuff collects there. there is some evidence of higher std rate because of it. as to sensitivity, doesn't a slight lack of it make for longer encounters?


    I as are most American males am circumcised, my son is also. didn't want him to think something was wrong with him when he saw daddy walking around. ours is done at birth so whatever may be altered, it happens well before any activity.


    besides it makes it look bigger. :)


    its probably a cultural thing but most of the women ive known think uncircumcised look odd. they grew up with circumcised though. in my experience, women who come from a culture where its not done have no issue with ones that are but women who come from cultures where it is practiced have some ascetic issue with ones that aren't.


    but im not a woman and I think they are all rather odd looking (except mine :) ).

  2. @ cali I disclosed to a good friend who had been thru cancer 2x, he gave me the ole whack in the head with " its a skin condition, you aren't gonna die from it". reality check.


    in all honesty, im not sure I would date someone with GH as its the "life long" part of it that scares people. though at my age my choices are getting fewer so who knows? im guessing how well we got to know each other before hand, what the initial meet was like ( was there one of those, "o my god she is breathtaking" moments) and what potential I saw in a long term thing.

  3. well, my first Ob was a real nasty one. I and the doctor thought I had mono. it hit on a Friday evening but I missed mon-wed the following week then relapsed for mon-tues the next week. when I called and told them it was mono they told me to stay away so as to not give it to everyone who didn't already have it.


    sounds like you work several part time jobs? if so it will be hard to take time off, usually part time has no sick days, but it might do you some good. tell em you have a stomach virus and need a few days off then if you are still having some issues the reason covers why your running to the potty so much.

  4. @ daisies and dancer. I don't dispute that people miss time from work and herpes can affect productivity, hell just the extra care and hygiene would add up over time. I was talking of it in relation to the conspiracy mentioned. if I run a conspiracy that nets me money yet costs you, I don't care about your costs. big pharma is in it for big pharma not joe the plumbers company. they could care less about its costs as they are not in its equation. societal costs are another thing but those become muddy when attempted to be measured ( did anyone own up to how many fake sick days they took for the study?)


    lots of things affect people taking off from work, im thinking there are more common diseases that would need to be tackled first from that perspective.

  5. the general costs to society wouldn't count to those who run things such as the mentioned conspiracy. all they would care about is THEIR cost/profit, not how many days joe plumber missed from the local company he works for. if a society as a whole were worried about its productivity for individual companies it would have far higher priorities than herpes, the flu comes to mind immediately as does the horrible way roads are laid out. hell making a law stating no one who isn't en route to work during certain hours cant be on the road would increase productivity more than the few days most people miss for herpes in their entire lives.


    but back to the OP, no I don't think its a conspiracy to make H+ people less appealing to H- people to rid the world of H. more about sensationalism, number of hits for advertising dollars and keeping the stigma alive for pharma dollars.

  6. ok, while I love a good conspiracy I always ask, whats the end game? HSV isn't part of any end game. more money is made from it in "treatment", meds, testing, etc than in ridding the world of people with it. we have new people coming into the country constantly from places where it is almost endemic. if anything "they" need a global population die off to sustain their way of life and control and THAT would be where their interest in disease would go. ebola anyone?


    it would be easier to develop a vaccine against HSV than eliminate the people with it to rid the world of it. of course the moment there is a preventative vaccine all work ( such as it is) on a cure goes out the window.

  7. this is a toughy, here in the US being circumcised is pretty standard so the chances of someone having experience with this is pretty low.. Logically speaking, if it only presents where it was contracted then removing that part should stop it. however those nerves may run further down and it could present in the "new" skin area.



  8. @ FLnewH cant really comment on your BOYfriend and his attitude. you could tell him there is this really hot older guy waiting for him to screw up so he can swoop in. :)


    if your having problems with Obs and dealing at the moment then go on suppressive till things mellow out then you can wean yourself off and see how your body reacts.


    @ dancer to hell with nursing it, tear that bottle of wine up!! ( just don't drive nor drunk call the guy)

  9. @ forgivnessandpeace yes washing our hands is good but being neurotic about it can be bad. our palms have a substance, i believe its keratin that is wax like. it helps protect our hands as entry points for nastiess, too much washing and they get dried out and crack thereby opening us up to infection. we don't get the flu cause it gets on our hands, we get the flu cause it gets on our hands and we pick our noses. ( everyone does it, even chicks who wear sexy shoes)

  10. @ hope. my rx is 1 pill 2x a day so I take one in the morning and one with dinner. i was taking several supplements but stopped as i had some weird stuff going on and i needed to figure out the culprit. with just the antivirals no issues as of now, either the supplements were doing something, i was having some seriously ongoing prodomes , the meds and my body didn't agree at first but have come to terms or i was experiencing (yet again) a kidney stone.



  11. everyone goes thru this at some point. the virus has a hard time outside the body and unless direct contact is made with a sore its almost impossible to TRANSMIT. I like to think about it being transmittable not contagious. contagious sounds like the flu, achoo now you have herpes. Transmittable means it takes a wee bit more to get.


    However, I still do a couple of things solely for MY piece of mind ( even though they are not needed). I always spray down my toilet seat with peroxide, let sit then wipe it up. (never had a known OB on the booty but a clean toilet seat isn't a bad thing). I use a washcloth to dry my private area, OB or not. I wash my hands when concerned ( but not so much as to dry and crack them, that could cause issues) and I always scratch anything in the boxer area thru my clothes. as to dirty clothes, take em off and toss em in the hamper, then wash your hands, cause they are dirty in general not because you have herpes. also I treat any sore/bump in the area like it could be herpes as SOP.

  12. @ sickoflifeslessons I doubt he is in any position to press charges against you. even if he did it would be unprovable and then you could counter sue. most of those laws about STIs were written with HIV and serial transmitters in mind. he would need proof that he did not have it before meeting you and unless he has several tests right up to the point of your liason a good lawyer would blow him out of the water. chances are he has already slept with someone else and it could have been her who gave it to him. id do what dancer said, text a message saying he took advantage of you then tell him, he may be out spreading it around and if you tell him and he sleeps with one other woman after he could never go after you. and tell him his crap will be in a bus station locker.


    @ cityofangels I too believe that no means no I however understand the cultural myth as man as pursuer and his persistence paying off, hell every married man knows that. I also understand ( unfortunately many in our society don't) the difference between fault and responsibility. best example I can think of. if you are hit while driving you may not be at FAULT but you are responsible for putting yourself in that spot at that moment. you chose the time of departure and the route, 1 minutes difference and no accident, one turn different no accident.


    back to reasonable person, is anyone who is three sheets to the wind reasonable? alcohol and logic don't mix very well.

  13. id like to ask a question here and cityofangels may be the best to answer. im playing devils advocate right now but, why is it that if BOTH parties are drinking and become inebriated that only one party becomes absolved of any responsibility? given there was an admitted blackout period the male could claim consent, add that an item used was procured from an undisclosed place within the domicile of the accusers I could see a good lawyer getting rape thrown out ( unless he has multiple previous claims). again im only playing devils advocate here but this whole "she was drunk" thing has bothered me for sometime, IF both parties were drinking shouldn't they equally be held either accountable or non accountable?


    @sickoflifeslessons, please don't think im attacking you, im just curious about the law itself.

  14. H2 orally is extremely rare. less than 1% of herpes cases. I know I have had some itchiness on my upper lip and such. turned out I needed to trim my mustache, an issue im assuming you don't have.


    heres a Bluemoon for you.


    couldn't have H1 orally also? ive had oral H2, ocular herpes and whitlow in my mind since my diagnosis. all of which proved to be untrue.

  15. timmbey. since you have had your kids and have had a long term relationship id like to ask you, when do you NOT plan around things for sex? the baby is crying or needs changing, cant do it now the dog needs walked. oh wait dinner needs to be cooked, I had a hard day at work, I have the flu, my period, my boss was a jackass, etc etc ad naseum. life is full of compromise and working around shit, yes shit. so maybe you cant be as spontaneous as the past. when after kids was that a reality? life will go on, if you open yourself up someone will come along. I will admit that im in a holding pattern for relationships and if one never comes so be it. I am however not leaving myself open to the possibility, im still trying to learn this virus and its affects, once I have those in my back pocket, watch out.

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