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Posts posted by seeker

  1. hate to be blunt but it helps to take a " fuck herpes" attitude. I don't mean not disclose or have good hygiene ( and when does that EVER not help?) it may be because im older and don't really concern myself with some of the things other do but I find myself daily thinking less about this skin condition. im still learning it but am more inclined recently to tell it to go pooch itself than bother me and whatever I have planned.

  2. dere, now that I reread your OP I saw the hsv2. its sunday, im a guy and its mandatory that I drink beer, lol. and of course now im guessing lips meant the lower pair? ( fyi no such thing as tmi here, trust me ive read some stuff. haha)


    your not dirty, not at all. its a skin condition that's all. would you engage in intimate contact with a flu? im guessing no so how is it different?


    no cure in sight, maybe a therapeutic or a vaccine in 5+ years. live your life and tell your BF there are plenty of really hot guys with H out there who would love to meet you ;)

  3. Hi, I am on suppressive for peace of mind also. continuous low grade OBs with lots of "what the hell is that's" ive had to drop all supplements so my body could deal with the antivirals. ( I was having what I thought were side effects). no OBs so far but some possible prodomes. as I understand it, antivirals saturate the bloodstream and only attach to cells with virus in them, otherwise its flushed from our systems. so taking more may help or it may not. I recently read a study suggesting there wasn't much to be gained by high dose antivirals. I would keep on my current dosage ( assuming its the norm) maybe increase by 1/2 but spread it out, not all at once as I also understand these meds metabolize in less then 3 hours. work on your immune system, maybe some Echinacea/goldenseal or some good veggies and sleep. also stress can override all the meds in the world. try not to stress out, or at least let it go. I know how hard it can be to let that jackass who just cut me off, get by. lol.

  4. hi, im assuming you have H1 orally given your description? approximately 80% of the worlds population has H1, its not considered a big deal. there are things you can do to mitigate its impact and work around it. I personally have H2 down under so I cant really help you with the day to day but it does get better. you have a skin condition and that's it.

  5. first off, take a big ole deep breath. its worse at the beginning. everything, and I mean everything just has to be herpes, hell my local football team being 1-5 is herpes right? I have been diagnosed for around 2 months, I figured its been a year since my first OB and it is slowly becoming better. it does become less of your daily thoughts and concerns. im not going to sugar coat it, does it suck? yes. would I prefer to not have it? yes. is it going to kill me? NO! its an inconvenience, unfortunately its one that has a ton of stigma attached to it here in north America, but at its base it is a simple skin condition in an inconvenient place. It is, as a friend of mine puts it towards gluten free, organic, vegan foods, a first world problem. only in the affluent west do we have the time and the media hype to worry about such things. back in the real, starve if you don't find food today world, they could care less. something I like to do is think how our ancestors would have perceived this. " oh I have a rash. wait its gone, no biggie. oh look I have a new rash, wait its gone." now as a male I cant really tell you some of the tricks of the trade in dealing with this but ive no doubt several of the ubber lovely ladies of our forum will be on shortly to help with more of the er, maintenance related subjects along with helpful links.


    It isn't a world ender, that is first and foremost the most important thing. you have someone who is supporting you thru this and that is good.



  6. @ dancer, when I read the article on antivirals it mentioned saturation levels of the blood and that's what I was concerned about. if cutting the dose to 1/2 would enough of the chemical be in my system to be effective. article also stated that in a healthy adult a 400 mg dose is metabolized in about 2.5-3 hours. was an interesting article from the NIH, very technical, I had to read it well after going to Walmart so my IQ would stabilize.

  7. ok, I have to call the doc on this also but damned planned parenthood in these parts is a pain on the phone. I have a 2x a day for suppressive rx and ive noticed if I take the meds on an empty/ near empty stomach I have issues. so I started 1 at dinner and the other I take in 2 halves, 1 in morning the other at lunch. im wondering if this is ok? I read a big article on antivirals from the national institutes of health and it spoke of saturation levels in the blood and such. I don't want to inadvertently dilute it to non usefulness.

  8. you know, going commando doesn't work as well for us guys. nature made our thighs rub together and no boxers with these damned long shorts we wear these days equals rash.


    woman tells man " im not wearing any undies" man thinks " ohh lalala"

    man tell women " im not wearing any undies" woman thinks "damn now I gotta wash those pants twice"

  9. im 49 and a virgin. ignore the kid with my last name who looks like me .


    who says there aren't 40 y/o virgins, and you know what? that's perfectly cool by me. id have to shake his hand and say kudos for sticking by his guns. but it could be the inexperienced thing or, and I don't want this to sound like im feeding the stigma troll, but he could be concerned that you have a lot more experience than he does and may have performance anxiety. or it could be that he is patient for sex ( if he has been married then undoubtedly he knows about waiting).

  10. hello mom2one, the number can be important as there can be false positives below 3.5. sounds like your in Canada? several people on here from the great white north mention no numbers on results, straight pass/fail. sound like it is the real deal tho. im assuming H1 but down below? our forum mom will be on and she has tons of info to help and links in her holster.


    yes it will subside, it may take some time. did the doctor offer any meds? I think ive read that h1 down under can be pretty bad on its first OB but once cleared it is less frequent as its not in its native lands so to speak.


    the igg test is the best general test out, western blot is gold standard but only 1 place offers it, westover heights in Oregon. igg tests for type specific antigens and is fairly reliable unless your numbers fall between whatever is lowest positive and 3.5, then there can be POSSIBLE false positives. you either wait a while longer or go western blot. it was the old igm (? on last letter) that was iffy, if I remember correctly it could give a false positive for recent exposure to anything in the herpes family.

  11. hey longred, I will say that the itching I associate with prodomes and sores is this deep itch in one direct spot that I want to stick a hot poker into to make it stop. not the normal, ohh I have an itch thing. I also itched all over for about 2 weeks after my diagnosis but I work outdoors in florida so most of it was that, some was in my head and only a small percentage was the herpes. like the itchiness right where ive had a bump.

  12. seems like a small group they tested it on. I posted about a halt on a phase 3 test for a pill that at 75 mg a day or 400 1x a week would reduce shedding and OBs significantly because it showed toxicity at @ 900x the normal dose in monkeys, well duh. oxygen at 900x the normal level would kill you. It will be several years for anything new to come out as the current players are making wayyyyyyyyyyyy too much green frog skins with antivirals we have to take daily. the system is rigged for the established big guys.

  13. dancer your needed STAT!!


    2 babies with H and they are healthy and have had babies of their own. well one I think so no, no auto miscarriage. maybe some more vigilance on your part but show me a decent pregnant women who isn't diligent and geminij im thinking your a decent woman.


    im a Gemini also, duel personalities for the win!!

  14. good topic in my opinion.


    as a self example of the whole shedding thing. I recently ( was its own topic fwiw) had an issue with tea tree oil causing some skin issue, I was developing a white flaky area where I had gone wayyyyy overboard with the stuff. 1 day of cortisone and it was fine. but one of my first paranoid, idiotic thoughts were " holy fuck, is this some sort of shedding on steroids?" And I know better so someone on the outside could be utterly clueless about this. especially when you add in the hyperbolic nature of our news media ( just watch 5 minutes of ebola coverage on Fox, apparently we are ALL gonna get it and it WILL kill us all).


    as to the name herpes, im not sure. it is the Linnaean name for a group of viruses so we do have the old, its in the same family as : chicken pox, shingles, mono, etc to go with. all of which are lifelong and all of which can be spread without symptoms. not sure what/if there is a connection but herpetology deals with snakes and lizards so my guess is the name herpes was given to what was probably the first recognized of the viruses, chicken pox and the skin lesions part of it. All scientic names have a certain protocol they have to follow using latin or latinized versions of words as its a dead language and therefore not changing.


    It does however sound silly.

  15. well where my boy is concerned, I was more showing an example of feeling like a virus than being worried about him getting H1. he may very well have it, his mom was still lip kissing him until recently, if not still. not saying she has H1, if she did when we were married then I must be utterly immune to H1.

  16. congrats havefaith. I am on suppressive currently because I was having a tough time, lots of stress and ongoing low grade OBs. but I plan on sometime going off the antivirals ( unless so girl gets lucky and sweeps me off my feet). I have stopped all the supplements currently. something was making me feel odd and I needed to figure out who the culprit was.

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