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Posts posted by seeker

  1. @ dancer, does that alum work on other types of bumps such as molluscum or follicitist ( you spell the damned word on a sunday morning while drinking your first cup of coffee). or even hardened cysts or skin tags? god getting old sucks. but I guess its better than the alternative.

  2. @ daisies, I can agree with part of your premise. everyone has their own baggage and experience and views the world thru them. be it that they take everything as judgment or criticism or not. some people are more sensitive than others, ( again, try growing up @ southern Baptist) but it works both ways and as ive said, other peoples rights end where my skin begins.


    sex and driving are not the same thing at all. everyone knows there is danger while driving, the evidence is all around. no one is withholding that information and that's the key. most people would assume someone they are about to have sex with doesn't have STIs and if they ask about it and are lied to then that is just callous and contemptuous of another person and THEIR rights.


    Again my right to privacy or comfort about my situation ends at your skin. just because something is hard doesn't mean it shouldn't be done. hell if people trudged thru things that are hard more often our society would probably be better but because we live in a "me first" culture, people run the moment it gets tough.


    so, the person who gave me herpes did not disclose. they cost me a ton of money I could have used. time off from work, worry about casual transmission, worry about potential future relationships, taking meds I wouldn't otherwise "need", oh and because of herpes I developed bells palsy and can no longer taste most sweets and some starches and cheeses ( subtle flavors are gone to me). did they have the right, due to it being hard for them, to put me thru this? hell no. did the person you got it from have that right to put you thru all you have gone thru? why? because telling us was hard or not convenient? I understand " I didn't know" I get "i got drunk and did something stupid" ( most of those on here become " im making it right") but not, " ive known for a long time and just don't care" that is wrong, yes that is the dreaded judgment BUT we have people come on here all the time who are on the other side. their giver knew and didn't disclose and we say it was wrong, does becoming a member of the forum give a pass?

  3. I guess I just don't speak self help as well as others.


    Jorden, if your still here, whatever you are going thru related to herpes. I will be one of the first to tell you to breathe, step back, its going to be alright. but understand others are going thru stuff too and your stuff may not mingle well with their stuff.


    I will say this. if someone pokes me with a stick and says sorry, I will buy it and forgive. by the third time they have done it im not buying it anymore, the fifth, im punching them in the mouth because they are doing it on purpose and whatever "reason" they may have, I don't care, it hurts. your rights end at my body, your right to be scared or hurt by your past ENDS where my skin begins. I don't give a rats ass about someone elses feeling if they are hurting me or my loved ones. and ultimately purposefully not disclosing is hurting someone else without their knowledge nor permission and one persons "right" to feel fear ends where someone elses skin begins. something I personally think out entire so called " culture" needs to learn.





  4. I just did a cursory, Halloween eve look, any more info on this? like will you be able to take your antivirals, etc? im 49 till mid next year and have reproduced with zero chance of makin babies later so I wouldn't be opposed to being a test subject. ill try the number during the upcoming week, have the wee one starting tomorrow and discussing herpes isn't high on my agenda.

  5. its a toughy. ive had some back "pain" lately and it could be, I slept wrong, I tweaked something at work ( construction) or a prodrome. if its a prodome then that's the only thing that's happening ( im on suppressive atm) to add to the confusion, I treat mine like its just back issues. heating pad and Tylenol/ibubrofen if its H related then "oh well" no diff than back pain until a bump appears.


    being that its Halloween and ive been out drinking, my back feels fine right now, lol.

  6. wow, just wow. whats with all this supposed "judgment" people are talking about? ive seen this in a couple of new members posts recently yet could see no judgment in the comments. maybe its cause im a male and we don't internalize every freakin thing, maybe its cause im from the south and we are a wee bit less sensitive than some, or maybe its because I grew up around southern Baptists who know how to judge people ( you haven't lived until you have seen a preacher turn beet red talking fire and brimstone......... AT A WEDDING!!!!!!) but fuckstockings, enough!


    just because someone doesn't agree with someone or endorse some of their behaviors, its not being judgmental.

    if anyone wants their own stuff parroted back to them they need to stand in front of a mirror cause its not going to happen here. we offer support yes but it can and often will be of the tough love type ( ive been smacked down once or twice myself).


    a fair amount of people here got herpes because someone else didn't disclose, we have had people here who knew the giver and were so angry they wanted to kill. we understand if someone doesn't know and is an accidental transmitter, however a person who knows and just doesn't give a shit isn't going to be let off the hook, nor should they. everyone has their so called reasons and justifications for whatever they do, that doesn't make it right.


    call me judgmental if you want, could care less. put on your grown up pants and move on. you want support for what you are going through with herpes, ill be there. you want me to tell you its ok to just give this virus to people ( luck of random non transmittance aside) because " im scared to tell someone but not too scared to sleep with them cause what I WANT MATTERS MORE THAN THE OTHER PERSON" fucking narcissism, aint happening with me.


    ban me, put me on lockdown for a while, whatever.


    yes this is a hot button issue with me, my ex use to say nasty things to me about something, go off on me and if I pointed out that SHE did the same thing I would get some shit like " how dare you judge me?!" "its different because "


    everyone judges to some extant, those who are willfully not disclosing are judging that the person they are sleeping with is somehow less than worthy of normal human consideration.

  7. @ trying I would love to be wrong but its all about money. despite all the propaganda TV shows about doctors. we live in a corporate republic, by and for the wealthy. if it doesn't have a huge return on it, it isn't happening. im not being pessimistic here just realistic. heck they way this virus is, even an accidental cure would be hard to come by. lets say someone with herpes several years joins a test group and the drug/vaccine they are given does cure them. wait, if they were only having 1-2 OBs a year, how would they notice the cure? would it be part of what they look at? it would make testing exponentially more expensive to have to monitor every single thing each pill or vaccine might accidentally help.

  8. now the FDA will find a way to shut it down, much like the one I mentioned because it had toxicity in monkeys at 900 TIMES THE NORMAL DOSE, fuckstockings. 1 400 mg pill a week for almost no OBS and 1% shedding.


    we my friends are pooched. a cure will never happen. a preventative vaccine ,....... maybe and either by accident or concurrence a therapeutic one. unless the US pharmaceutical companies currently bribing, er lobbying congerss can make a ton of money, it will never be allowed thru phase 3 trials.

  9. @ carrieanna, no one should ever hurt a kid so that for me is the clincher. takes a special kind of stupid to do that in my opinion. as a single dad one of my big worries was my ex and any BFs especially because when something is in the news its always the moms BF that did it. but thankfully she has been dating a decent guy, hell ive hung out with him and had a couple beers. he ever touched my kid id have to put a beatdown on him though.

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