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Posts posted by seeker

  1. @ inka, depends on the type of old you are. im in Gods wating room so I see lots of old folks. some are cool as hell and still get after it. some probably get more booty than you do ( I know they do me, sadface but im not a PYT)


    H will just be another thing to make me crochety. "get off my lawn you bastards!!"

  2. sigh, ive got it!!! I need to be an asshole to get a woman cause being nice and kind and petting puppies and playing with kids and opening doors and being a reasonably decent dancer and having my own vehicle and a job for ever just isn't cutting it.

  3. You all don't know how hard it is for me to not make some joke and offer a hand of assistance don't you????


    @reachout. it does get better, I know. I still do some things that are most likely unneeded but they are basically coping mechanisms ( like cleaning the toilet seat with peroxide a lot, nothing wrong with a clean toilet seat now is there?). and never a tushy OB to boot.


    this is how I see it, I was 103.5 for 3 days and delirious when I had my first OB. I had 4 itchy bumps on my buddies down there that I didn't know what they were ( doc thought they were bacterial) I then fevered a week later, 102.5 for 3 days. near as I can tell I don't have herpes anywhere outside my boxer area, hell almost tighty whitey area. and im not even sure a couple of bumps aren't molluscum ( diff doc said they were).


    If it were that easily spread it would be all over me by now.

  4. fuckstockings, A, you disclosed, end of story on that part.


    B, he put his hands on your kid, total asshat move.


    C, he is behaving badly in otherways.


    the moral of the story, just because he is a fireman, lawyer or doctor doesn't mean he cant be an asshole. go blue collar, we love our women with our whole beings.

  5. besides that, its getting too cold for swimming down here unless your from the great white north. oh wait. ( sundays low in my area will be in the 40s F)


    im thinking that with the amount of chlorine in public pools the virus wouldn't make it .00000000001 seconds outside the body. plus unless heated its going to have a temp of, say 75 degrees F right now. im assuming that 75F isn't a good temp for herpes cause at that temp its host (us) is DEAD therefore it really shouldn't have a survival strategy for that. I could be wrong.

  6. do they sterilize the pole between girls? ( herpes doesn't do well outside the body but im thinking if a girl with open sores just spun the pole and another comes up right away and has a cut or something??????)


    Does she give extras in the VIP room? ( that's the biggie)


    sores can get infected in of themselves but as a guy I haven't any firsthand knowledge on this one.


    ibuprofen for pain, peeing in the shower , Epson baths. lots of water to dilute the urine.

  7. no need to remain single but you just did to this guy what someone did to you. now go fix it. and tough love but you didn't need to think about all this before you fell for someone, you needed to think about it before you ever had sex with him. you took away his choice. now you will find support here for whatever you may be going thru dealing with your diagnosis but we are very much about being honest with others and giving them a choice about it.

  8. I seemed to have some reaction to the drugs at first. acyclovir. I had a mixed up rx, thought 3 a day was the script. was 2 a day for suppressive. I was also taking a good multi vitamin, lysine 1g a day, krill oil, an emergen-c drink at lunch and just started zinc. so, I stopped all but the rx and multi vitamin and and only took the rx with food and it helped. everything normalized and now I take my krill oil ( I swear that made me feel better in general) emercen-c drink. weather just a coincidence, all the supplements or what im not sure. I plan on staying with suppressive till after the new year and weaning off unless some unlucky woman wants to hang out with me.

  9. I think the most important thing to ask is, will YOU overcome this stigma?


    ive pretty much given up on people not being dumbasses in general. its the way our culture is headed. the news, the music, the movies, the sports. its all about image not substance, nor reality.


    it may sound pessimistic but if you don't expect much form people, they rarely disappoint.

  10. im cut, never had one infection. the OP was about circumcision so its ok. no I don't equate it with so called female circumcision as that is removal of the clit, not some extra skin. I can have an eye tuck and not lose the use of my eyes???


    and its way older than Victorian. its biblical. a covenant with god according to the jews so its oh almost 5k years old. it has served us without any bad issues so im guessing its not that big a deal. its the politically correctness of our times to find offense when someone does something different. I really don't care if someone is or isn't "cut". I have know a couple of guys who did it as teens and it wasn't pleasant for them.


    and yes there have been studies that suggested it was less likely to have issues, no foreskin means no place to hold "stuff" longer. just like you ladies have a higher chance of catching stuff than us men, all those folds and crevices are hiding places for things to grow in.


    as to Europe, whats the per capita base not total pop? 9 the US has as many people as almost all of Europe combined) also, Europe doesn't have the puritanical streak that the US has. we have wayyy too many window lickers here who think sex ed makes kids have sex ( yet drug ed makes em not do drugs, go figure). so there are tons of dumb arses who don't use protection cause, well whatever hair brained logic their cousin humpin pastor told em.

  11. so just about 3 months ago I was diagnosed with H2 in my happy place. I was a freaked out blubbering idiot until I came here. now, h is still in the back of my mind but it isn't this overwhelming ogre on my back anymore and that is ( primarily) thanks to the women on this forum. sorry guys but we all know we chime in on occasion and have our say but its the ladies who do most of the heavy lifting here.


    you have all, and I mean all, from the new ones who ive talked to, to the "seasoned" veterans here have helped me see a totally different possible future.


    I thank you all.


    you are all gorgeous, breathtaking, beautiful souls who are utterly worthy of love and admiration. I dare say that the women of H opp forum are without a doubt the best women on the planet!!! you have my undying love and support and I thank you all.


    crud, ive forgotten the emoji for flowers.


    a dozen roses for you all!!

  12. Hi and wow, I must say you are right on top of things. if this guy doesn't work out give me a call ( if your into older guys :) ) .


    1 my first OB the doc thought I had mono with a bacterial infection down south so, no those symptoms are normal.

    @ blood tests look for antibodies, it takes up to 4 months to get enough of them for a definitive positive ( we have people with even longer times before blood test positives). So, a pos swab with a neg igg test means new exposure.


    3 herpes is a tricky little bastard and can act in myriad ways. my first was over the top bad, other not so much but later were. its part of the viruses survival technique, and a damned good one.


    4, would be based on the test results. yes he needs to be tested one way or the other.


    this is a squirrely little virus so he could have had it and not known, they say 80% of people with it don't know.


    and no guys don't like crazies, I personally like as little drama from a woman as possible. its not a death sentence, lots of the gals on here have gotten new BFs since their diagnosis.

  13. hi and welcome. I only got diagnosed about 3 months ago so I cant really help you with the whole disclosure thing but I can try to help you understand things from the guy end. most of this forum is women, which is great but they aren't guys, thankfully cause they all are freakin HOT.


    He may be still thinking things over. men don't run off and ask our friends, our hairdressers, our coworkers, etc we tend to try to deal with it ourselves. part of me thinks its good that he dint send you a, hey its all good, just thinking, text. ( as an old fart this texting thing seems like a cop out to me, sorry but this guy named bell invented a device that lets you actually TALK to anyone in the world!!!!!) you kind of dropped a bomb into his lap ( a stigma bomb) and he is trying to process it. I personally think the fact that its label a " life long" disease makes people think it means auto marriage and THAT freak guys out when we actually ask the girl to marry us!!. lol.


    so, give it some time, be prepared for a negative response just in case. tell him its his loss ( and it is im sure) but give him his space. he didn't say take a long walk off a short pier so im guessing he is just weighing things right now.


    I am going to add, there are lots of deal breakers for people, weight, ethnicity, religion, income, etc herpes is just another in a long list of (primarily) superficial reasons someone might not want to go forward.


    I wish you good luck and all the future happiness you can handle.

  14. I may have spelled that wrong, I blame the beer. it is sunday after all. so I read this article, or attempted to read it as its very scientific and after about 1/2 I started skimming as I want in the mood to think too much.




    if im reading this correctly, a type of hsv2 that had a different temperature survival rate was introduced into a subject and its dna "corrupted" the originals??

    I know there is research into using genetically modified H to attack cancer cells and such and this may have been part of that but IF another subspecies of H can be introduced which doesn't survive at a different temp, such as 102F AND it will change the DNA of existing H, could it not be another route toward a "cure"? ( and before someone says it, no im not expecting a cure in my lifetime, I just like thinking about weird scientific crap, :) ). ie, intro the new tpe, let it mix then induce a fever. not the cleanest cure ive ever heard of but if it works.....


    sorry cityofangels, but I may bother you a lot, lol. I love talking weird science stuff. I have a few science types at my church and we like to talk a lot of high weirdness. its a UU church.

  15. I know pics cant be posted, and for good reason but I was thinking a bump pic area, vetted by a moderator of course wouldn't be a bad idea. im talking only positively IDed by a swab pics of both various types of herpes sores and other non herpes sores/bumps. I know my old n fugly self has some bumps ive had concerns about and lets face it, googling it doesn't help.

  16. @ forgivness, a vaccine makes H status moot.


    @ dancer, I keep hearing about magic Johnson but one thing I never hear is, he has tons of money and money = good health care. I have no insurance and would either have to accept charity or bankrupt my family over hiv, so its an apples to oranges thing for me. false dichotomy, the meds to keep HIV in check are w/o insurance several 100s if not 1000s a month.

  17. Back to the original topic.


    it would be better to come up with a preventative vaccine to rid the world of herpes than try to keep H+ people single thru media images. a preventative vaccine stops it, no longer "need" a cure as the population with it will over time diminish, maybe a therapeutic vaccine. if there is money to be made but again, the number of people with the virus would diminish over time as they die off from old age. IE no cure for polio or smallpox because of vaccine ( oh I know they may be treatable but the vaccine makes it a non starter).


    and again, the .0000000000001% of people in the world involved with this conspiracy don't give a damn about the costs to anyone but themselves.


    realistically speaking, im thinking my "cost" was a wash. yes I missed about a weeks work, but I also went to the doctor several times and got various prescriptions. all of which put money into someone's pocket. the only person it really cost was me if you want to look at it from the meta perspective. ie my productivity was lost but the doctors office had higher productivity as did the pharmacist.

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