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Helllpppp!!!Constant irritation almost every day for over 5 years

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Hey guys ! I am new here , but am so glad this exists. I have been struggling for a long time and my mental health is not good to begin with. Sooo.. since college I have had chronic vaginal problems. I had a fissure on my perineum that didn't heal for atleast 2 years , there every day , very irritating . I tried everything. I think I had it swabbed and came back negative for herpes, it finally healed but new problems arise.. Fast forward a couple years , I started having a lot of itching and irritation , when my inner labia are touched I get a burn sensation after . One morning i noticed my vulva were very itchy and covered in red bumps , these might have taken about a week to go away but can't fully remember. Irritation continues daily.. finally one day I feel like I'm getting a really bad bladder infection and I notice a tiny raw spot probably only 1 mm on my clitoris , I went to doc and he tested for bladder , nothing . Went home and broke out in a bunch of bumps .. went to doc , swabbed and came back negative again. The next day though they turned into blisters , then I knew I probably had herpes.  So I self diagnosed. Every day now for 5 years I have had the same prodrome feelings i got before that outbreak . With the occasional actual visible outbreaks which are always different . Sometimes that one tiny raw spot shows up on my clit and seems to heal within like a day.. but that spot is always itchy every day of my life. Sometimes a red bump appears in a spot on my labia and opens to a tiny welt (only like 1 mm) , and now I have noticed the inner lower part of my vaginal hole becomes raw and open skin when I feel like I am having a severe outbreak . But lately that area is like always raw .. every day . I'm so confused !!! Why is my body so bad at controlling this , I have antivirals and they seem to kinda work but not totally .. so lost . So depressed . So anxious . Been tested for absolutely everything! STDs , BV, yeast .. changed diet .. no irritants whatsoever even stopped using toilet paper and wearing underwear . Help!! 


Hey, same exact situation as you unfortunately. This month makes it a year for me with on going everyday symptoms exactly like yours and guess what I also test negative for herpes every time, tested for everything as well but I'm certain it is what I'm dealing with here. Hopefully it gets better for you one day I can't even imagine how awful it is that you have been dealing with this for 5 years but I'm on that same path. 


I had constant outbreaks for years as well.  One thing that tremendously helped (as in I didn’t need Valtrex for an entire year) was doing an intestinal cleanse call Intestinal Edge.  I bought it on Amazon.  Good luck ❤️.

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