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Was just told I have HPV also... Feeling lost and alone

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So I have had a small growth of skin on the outside of my vagina for over a year now it looks like a skin tag, did not itch or hurt. and it has been seen by a few doctors who never said anything about it. Later in the month I am going to see my long distance boyfriend and hopefully have sex for the first time (he knows I have herpes hsv2). I went to the doctor to have the growth removed because it was hard to shave around she sent it to get biopsied, and called me today and said the test came back and said " it is most likely HPV" the test did not comeback 100% conclusive but most likely.

I am having a hard time dealing with this and have been crying all day. I have not told my boyfriend yet because he is at work i will tell him tonight and see what happened. I need help and advice. For the first time in a very long time I feel alone and like giving up.



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In the above post I mentioned "giving up" which is not what I should have said. I will not give up and I will get through this just like I do with every other difficult situation life gives me. I do have many questions though, the biggest one being: if have the hpv strain that causes warts to appear is that the only strain that can be pasted to my boyfriend? Or can I give him the cancer strain? When I tell him tonight and if he is ok with it like he was with herpes knowing he might get warts that can be removed. But I don't think I could live with knowing that I could cause cancer in him. Does anyone know the answer to this? Any

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Ok I'm not a doctor so I would highly recommend talking to one BUT I think only ladies can get cancer from hpv...and it's not every strain. I've seen occurrences of people I know who have hpv but not the strain that causes warts. Hpv is also a little different than herpes meaning you can have it now and your body may actually fight it off. Most people get hpv and never know it because only a few strains cause warts and even the more serious strains can clear up on their own. Like I said I would talk to a doctor because all this info is most certainly just acquired second hand from a source that does have hpv so please arm yourself with true facts before you talk :) also I think the strain you have is the one you pass...I think I've even read somewhere that warts that appear outside the genital area can be caused by certain strains of hpv.


It should go fine and just remember that this is just another of life's curveballs. I'm glad to hear that you won't give up!!! Roll with the punches <3

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