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When is a herpes outbreak over?

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Hi all,

So I am very lucky in that I am in a relationship with my partner who is HSV-, while I am GHSV2+.
She knows and accepts she may well catch it from me. I have no symptoms and we have unprotected sex.
Last weekend I noticed some spots on the head of my penis and I think this is my first outbreak. They didn't blister and have now receded with barely a mark to show they were there. I'm pretty sure this was HSV by the way they clustered.

If my partner and I had sex on Friday night and my outbreak happened on Sunday night, is it likely I was shedding on Friday?
My outbreak has pretty much vanished now, so is it over? OR am I still shedding for a week or so? When can we have sex again?

My partner prefers unprotected sex and she accepts the risk, but now I have had an outbreak, should I wear a condom for a week or so? Or abstain from sex altogether (for how long)? Or are we good to go?

I know there are no guarantees etc, I am just trying to make an informed decision as best I can.


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So sorry for the late reply, I just saw this!! 

I am so sorry about the outbreak, I'm sure you're very stressed. It's really great that your partner is so accepting and understanding of everything! Truly that shows she likes you for you 😊!!

In regards to the shedding timeline, you could have been shedding on Friday, especially if your outbreak was Sunday. Plus, since you are typically asymptomatic, it's really hard to tell when you are shedding. However, since you are asymptomatic, it's possible that this isn't an outbreak. What did the sores looks like, and did you have any other symptoms (tingling, itching, etc?)

If this was an outbreak (to be on the safe side just assume it was), then wait about 7 days from when the sores last healed before being intimate again. You can also take antivirals if you think it would help, too. Regardless, wait a week since they healed and you should be good to go.Antivirals can help reduce the likelihood of shedding and help shedding recede and slow down during an outbreak. 

Also, if this was indeed an outbreak, I wonder if this means you are now symptomatic. I think it is possible to go from asymptomatic to symptomatic; I can research this and get back to you!! 

If you have another similar outbreak, you could get it swabbed to see if it is an outbreak or now. That will help you see if you are now symptomatic! 

I wish you and your partner the best and a happy healthy life together!! 😊☀️🦋



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Hi Grace,
Thanks for the reply.
I had thought it was probably an outbreak because of the way it appeared. I had a cluster of spots, about 3 together and 1 apart, on the head of my penis. The spots were re and looked like they would develop a head, but this never happened. I had some itchiness on my scrotom but no sign of outbreak there.
So I'm not 100% sure but I think it was like a very mild outbreak? I am taking anti virals  as a preventative for the last 2 months, and I have also been taking those 5 herbs (Lysine and 4 others I forget. - generally assumed to be a scam).
It's been a week now that there's been no sign of them. I hope that's it.
Thank you for your ell wishes.

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  • mr_hopp changed the title to When is a herpes outbreak over?

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