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Valtrex to reduce transmission?

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Hi all,

I take the suppressive dose of Valtrex to reduce recurring symptoms, with good success. I know the risk of transmitting is statistically low, but I’m still concerned about transmitting it.

if I want to become intimate with someone and I only see this person once in a while…. If I take an extra dose of Valtrex, would it further reduce the risk of transmitting to a partner?


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This is a good question. I honestly am not sure if increasing a dose of Valtrex would reduce the risk any more than if you just took the regular dose. Also, taking too much Valtrex can possibly cause adverse side effects, too! If you are worried, you can always use protection. When used together, antivirals and condoms can significantly help reduce the risk of transmission! 🙂 

Can anyone else help with this question?

Thanks! ❤️ 

Blessings! 🙂 

  • 2 weeks later...

I take valtrex for a 50% reduction. I have not changed the dose so am afraid I can't offer any advice. I also use condoms which offer an additional 96% reduction!!
Otherwise, eat healtily, take Lysine and olvie leaf extract. I don't have any proof of those last 3 though.

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