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Enough is enough: venting and hoping for acceptance

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I have hsv 2 and have had it for about 2yrs now. It has changed me tremendously. I stayed with my supplier thinking it would just be easy to stay with him and make it work, that way I would never have to disclose, and since we both was in the same boat I figured we could be each other support system. Boy was I wrong!! Lol. We grieve differently. Over time I started to feel less loved. Eventually I grew tired of just being there and called the relationship quits. Now I’m here and I’m scared. I have let myself go. I have no interest in being pretty. I don’t want nobody to be interested in me, it’s easier that way. No one knows that I have hsv but him. Apart of me wants to tell the world and get it over with but a bigger part of me don’t want to be judged. This is exhausting lol.. I just wanted to vent I guess, thanks for reading 

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This is a good place to find some support. I am feeling the same way. I reached out here first and now am on my way to getting counseling for what I think is depression caused by the whole having HSV2 and staying in the relationship long-term. Go ahead and vent. There are many others here going through the same thing so know that you are not alone. It's life changing, I agree, but it's not life ending. You are a very strong person and will get through this and live a normal life again. I'm sure of that.

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Venting is absolutely welcome here, and I'm glad you found our lil sanctuary on the web. 🙂 You are among friends who understand what you're going through. It's natural to feel scared and unsure about the future, especially when it comes to disclosing your condition. The fear of judgment can be overwhelming. But let me assure you, you are not defined by your diagnosis. You are a beautiful, strong individual deserving of love and acceptance. I know it!

And as @meMovingForward said so eloquently, many of us here have experienced similar emotions and challenges. It's comforting to know you're not alone in this journey. "Life-changing, but not life-ending." Absolutely! This is where our perspective is such a huge determiner for how this ends up impacting us, either for the worst or for the best, or anywhere in between. And this is where we take our power back. How you *choose* to see this situation, your life, yourself. 

While it may feel exhausting at times, I want you to know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. You have already shown incredible strength by ending a relationship that no longer served you. Now it's time to focus on yourself, your well-being, and rediscovering your own worth and beauty. Remember, you are so much more than your diagnosis. You deserve happiness, love, and a fulfilling life.

As you continue on this path, know that we are here to support you every step of the way. Feel free to vent, ask questions, or share your thoughts whenever you need. Together, we can navigate this journey and find hope, healing, and a renewed sense of self.

Here are some videos you might be helpful:

Sending you virtual hugs and positive vibes!

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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  • mr_hopp changed the title to Enough is enough: venting and hoping for acceptance

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