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this is all very new to me

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hi.. I just found out Saturday that I have genital herpes and chlamydia .. I have been in excruciating pain since Wednesday thinking it was just a yeast infection. I'm 22 and I feel like my entire life is over. I've been in bed since that day bc I have been vomiting, and been to the hospital the last 2 nights. I feel disgusted in myself and now feel worthless. I know this is not a terminal disease but I just never thought this would happen to me... I told my family doctor today and she was absolutely no help at all. I have so many questions.

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I feel your pain were the same age and after only being with two people my whole life one who I was with for 7 years and one who I currently serious with for over a year I never thought this would happen to me and I feel the same way you do I sat in bed a cried and cried I still cry when I'm alone and not distracted but everyday as you stay busy and around ppl that love you you will feel better it will never fully go away the emotional side of it but physically you may not get frequent out breaks I'm hoping that's the case with me I just found out a month ago almost I haven't gotten over it but I accepted that I can not change it my worried now are how to help myself not have another outbreak for a while that's what's driving me crazy I feel like anything I do will trigger it and anything I feel is one starting it's driving me crazy but one day at a time I guess and feel free to ask anything that's all I've been doing and everyone on here is so nice message me anytime if you'd like

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Hi lt05,


What you're feeling right now is unfortunately very normal. For some reason, herpes in our society has a hefty amount of stigma associated with it. And you know what? It's up to you whether you believe what the stigma has to say or if you find the truth inside yourself about who you are. Do you really, on a deep down level believe that your entire life is over? I promise you, this is a feeling that will pass. Get knowledgeable about herpes so that you can realize it's just an annoying skin condition that is totally manageable. It won't hold you back from living your life fully. In fact, read through the success stories thread. Prove to yourself that what you're feeling now is just the stigma workin' itself in your brain.


What questions do you have? A good place to start is with these handouts and the FAQs I've compiled:




This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

Helpful resources:

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  • 2 months later...

hi all, thank you so much for the comments! since then I have been doing a lot of research on this topic and have started to feel a bit better. this site has really helped me to do this. I actually just

finished watching your Skype video and will continue to follow in this journey. i have since visited

my doctor again and received better guidance. I'm pretty sure that the person I got this from did it on purpose, and I haven't seen him since. this happend in November and I have since then started seeing someone who I have been friends with for a few years. he is absolutely amazing but of course I haven't taken the next steps.. number one bc I am afraid to put him at risk and I have not told him yet. I want to see where this is going to know if it is worth it to tell him. however we are getting pretty close and I'm waiting for the right time to tell him. I almost feel like I accepted me having H too fast because I'm already seeing someone... is that even possible? you'd think I would be happy to have overcome these feelings but I just know there is nothing I can do about it. I don't know maybe I'm just confused. I have no idea how he will react if it comes to me telling him and don't even know if I have the courage to tell him in person. one side of me says wait longer to tell him, another side of me is saying to tell him incase this is something he cannot

accept, which I would have to accept. I have been through a hell of a lot in my life, as I'm sure we all have, so I'm coming to terms with this being another stepping stone. the good news is I haven't got an outbreak since and have started to better take care of myself in terms of being healthy.


It's so good to see so much support on this forum! I will regularly be checking back and trying to support others!

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