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Valtrex and Alcohol

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Alright. Here we go. I am on 500mg valtrex once daily. I can't drink a beer without my stomach getting tore up. I used to be able to hang with the best. I could drink a six pack and just have a strong buzz going. Last night, I met a friend for drinks and I had four beers. I ended up puking my life up and having the worst upset stomach. So both ends were tore up. (without going into detail here) If I have one beer now, my tummy is tore up the next day. I get sick so easy now, when before four beers wouldn't phase me. I have done the one beer, stomach got upset. Two beers, stomach got upset. So now I feel like I can't drink at all because it's going to make me all messed up.


Anyone else had this problem with valtrex and alcohol? Advice? What is going on?

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Forgive me that I don't remember your backstory, but are you taking daily suppressive therapy to keep your partner safe? If so, then stay on it, but if not, then I'd do a test by going off medication for a week, drinking and seeing if you still have the same reaction. I stopped drinking a while back, but I haven't had any reaction when I did drink alcohol when I was on daily suppressive therapy with Acyclovir.


And hey, what's so great about getting wasted anyway? Maybe it's a good thing there's this reaction? ;)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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Any medication will be processed through the kidneys and liver, just like alcohol is, so it may be overstressing your body to be drinking like a champ. This may be the push you need to look at if drinking is worth it to you or not. There's nothing inherently wrong about it, just being aware of how it impacts you and what you get out of it and making a conscious decision either way. :)

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I say go off it for a bit since you're single (for now). ;) Do a test to see if it's the Valtrex or not. You may want to try out Acyclovir instead. You'd have to take it 2x/day instead of once, but it has the same protection and suppression power as Valtrex.

This content is for informational purposes only. This information does not constitute medical advice or diagnosis. I'm not a medical professional, so please take this as friendly peer support. 

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I like the for now Adrial. hahaha. We will see what happens when I step back out there. If I do. I may do that, come off it, I am just scared cause I know this is to help me prevent a breakout too, and what if I have another outbreak. My poor butt was so tender, I can't do that again.


My original plan was stay on it this full first year. Go off it then see what happens, see if I breakout. I am too scared to come off it. Maybe switching to acyclovir is a good idea.

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