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Question: herpes strains, recurrent herpes outbreaks and stress?

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Newly diagnosed guy here, and the woman I received my Christmas present from this year has never had herpes symptoms. Now, I know everyone's body is different, but has there been any research done, or does anyone know if that might make my recurrent outbreaks any easier on me? I'm reading about strains right now and can't find anything on it...but I'm hoping it might make a smidgen of difference.

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First, there's no telling how or why one person never has an OB and another really gets it bad - one part may be their immune system/hormones/etc and another is known that HSV1 in the genitals will usually settle down and have fewer outbreaks over time than HSV2. And as I understand it - if you get it in non genital/oral areas of the body, it supposedly will eventually go away and stay dormant in those areas....


Have you read the handouts and the ebooks on here... a lot of decent info on them for starters :)






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Best thing to keep the outbreaks at bay is reduce your stress levels....


During outbreaks, Epsom Salts baths, Colloidal Silver, and Aveeno Colloidal Oatmeal Body wash have been said to bring relief. I personally use Alum Salts - I use it neat but it stings like a mofo so you may prefer to use it in a solution


That will get you started.... lots of other info on here...keep looking around :)



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Oh, there's a special club? Geez, and I didn't even get my membership confirmation, yet. Do we get discounts at Sam's Club? Honestly, I think knowing that I haven't had a cold sore in 20 years is helping me mentally that my body can and (hopefully) will contain this nasty and slightly stronger cousin a little bit. I also fought off a really bad case of Shingles a few years ago, so my body has been through the wringer with the Herpes clan and knows how to kick its red little arse.


That's part of why I decided to go with the natural treatments. Figured my body already has some weapons, just need to pull them out of storage and dust 'em off a bit...I'll keep the drugs in the background for the time being. Aloe, Lysine, sleep, and good food really seemed to help. The first prodome came on 12/9, 1st OB started on 12/13, one barely noticeable blister, healed up completely by 12/17. That was followed by another prodome almost immediately that lasted until 12/20, then gradual onset of blisters that healed yesterday/today. So, even without the drugs I'm getting roughly the same healing times. I also know that I've got about 3 days from tickle to "Hello Herpes Day!"


And, I'm going to admit that I was smoking like a chimney through it all and I'm not in the best of shape. So, now that I have the knowledge I do, I'm a little more motivated to quit and get to the gym. Both changes should help a little in the future.

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Stress causes your immune and other systems/organs to get off track. The inbalance that creates makes it possible for the virus to surface and raise hell. The virus is constantly circulating, and our bodies are always fighting it. Whether it's the CD8 cells on the skin or beneath the surface, they're on constant patrol for this li'l bugger. The inbalance creates a window for it to break through that our immune system is able to block most of the time. It's the same reason women sometimes get OB's following periods, and when all of us can get them when we get a cold.


When the hormones and immune system are off kilter and pre-occupied with other things, well, Captain Herp and the Blister Boys like to come out and play.


As far as feeding the virus, the only thing I know about that is that arginine is its favorite food. I've been doping myself with lysine to counter it and it seems to be working pretty well so far.

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My friend used it just when he felt any tingling. Says it doesn't sting any more than alcohol and the H does not come out. Stops dead in its tracks. Nail polish remover has only a tiny bit of acetone by % so it is very diluted. Do not use it if the blisters have popped or the pain will be not good.

Works for him.

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