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How often do herpes outbreaks occur?

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I had my first herpes breakout the last two weeks. I was finally feeling fine without any pain and I think I may be having another breakout already?! Could it still be the previous outbreak or is this normal to feel fine and then have a new one? I know every body is different, but I don't know if I'm having another breakout or if it's still effects from the first. The dr didn't give me any meds the first breakout should I call and get some..?


Ugh not again! :/

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It could be. My first OB was barely noticed. It came and went with a whisper, then I got walloped with a second one just about a week later that was most certainly noticed.


It's actually pretty common, so you're far from alone. I've heard from some people who have frequent OB's in the first few months, then nada. Others, 1 ob, then nada. We're all different and pretty soon you'll figure out how your body will react.


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Klopz -


Here's the thing - each and every person has a very different physical and emotional reaction to this. Some people have one OB and never have another. Some never have even ONE OB. Some may keep having one after another for a few months then none. Some have them every month (esp women because of our periods which can set it off.) So we can't really tell you how YOUR journey will go.


BUT - you can do things to settle it down.


#1 is to reduce stress/anger/frustration (If you let it, Herpes can be the best thing that ever happened to you as you can use it to tell you when you are not being centered and true to yourself ;) ).


#2 is to fix the diet... some people have certain foods that don't work for them... and if you are reactive to yeast-producing foods then you may want to cut them out.


#3 You may need the supressives while your body creates the antibodies - don't be afraid to sue them (Coming from a non-pill person here) ... and/or use the supplements and other things already posted on here to help the OB's to settle down faster.


With luck each "OB" will be less intense than the last... but this is the time to be very careful with partners as you learn what are you prodrome symptoms and what is "paranoia" ;)



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