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Herpes outbreak in the eyes?

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ok I am still stressing about having herpes in my eyes. I had mentioned in a previous post that when I initially had what I think was an outbreak my eyes got so itchy and watery. I had checked my bottom so often and than itched my eyes not knowing anything about herpes, than found out I had it through a blood test. Now I am having an outbreak and my eyes are itchy and watery again too. I have gone to the eye doctor two times when this happened (itchy eyes associated with an outbreak) and both times the eye doctor said he saw nothing in my eye BUT we all know that the doctors seem to miss this diagnosis frequently...appreciate any thoughts

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Herry is right - it sounds like you are over-thinking things. It may just be YOUR prodrome symptoms. Also, they don't treat you if your eyelids are affected - only if the cornea is getting affected...ie, if your eyes get really red and angry then go to the Dr. Otherwise they just let it run it's course and it will eventually go away for good.



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