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Another call from the doctor: my herpes test results are negative... So confused!

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Okay, so I know that by the title I should be so chipper and excited, but at this point I'm confused. So a few minutes ago I get a call from one of the doctors at the clinic and she tells me that my test results came up negative. That the results were point nine something and that they were negative. Okay good and gravy but she said that the lesions could have been from a cold sore.. After how long would the blood results show up sad positive? They said they weren't sure and to go back in a month for another test... Help please I need advice .

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Well, welcome news and I'd accept it with a smile as long as she confirmed the negative result for both HSV1 and HSV2.


Anything under 1 is almost certainly a negative. In fact, I think the new guidelines say anything between 1-3 is a possible false positive. If your boyfriend and you have both been tested, and both show negative right now, and you've both been 100% monogamous in the six months you've been together, then something else caused your li'l cold sore like blister. There are in fact a number of diseases that can cause those ranging from deep foliculitis to other common bacterial infections.


Here's the problem with trying to give a timeline to your test results: Herpes doesn't always transmit. So, if it transmitted 6 months ago when you got back together, well, then your test results should be positive by now. But, if it transmitted just a month or two ago, well, you'd still be in the window. Since you're in a relationship and I'm assuming had sex a few times or more in the past six months, well, the only way to completely rule it out is for your boyfriend to get tested. If he doesn't have it, then it's a safe, safe bet that neither do you.

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The thing is that my boyfriend and I broke up six months ago. In between that time I slept with one person 5 months ago and that the person who I had to have gotten it from because my boyfriends test results came back negative when we both got tested last month. He and I had sex once last month when we got back together and that's when I got what I thought was an H OB. The Dr said .91 was a low positive, but today a different Dr that is filling in for her and used to be my Dr but now is retired told me that it was negative to just go back in a month to test again. She also said that it could have been hsv1. Also they said that the records showed that the lesions looked like hsv2, but when she looked she said she couldn't see anything. So how could they have looked like hsv2 if she couldn't see them?


Also, thank you for answering so quickly with all this helpful info. I feel like I'm back in that in between where I may or may not have it. I'm so mad and confused


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" they said that the records showed that the lesions looked like hsv2"


Uh - I could be wrong but I don't think there is any way to tell the difference by looking at the blisters :p


So here's the deal. You may need to go to an STD testing clinic ... they are everywhere now...(or Planned Parenthood may be able to do this). You need to get a Western Blot test or perhaps a PCR blood test. Both are considered the Gold Standard ...WB takes up to 3 weeks to come back but it is the one they use for sorting out inconclusive results.


Is your Dr a family Dr or obgyn? I'm getting to where I don't trust family Dr's for STD's at all any more with everything I hear on here... :/


And yes, tell the BF that your results don't make sense so you are going to try to get a better test to make sure.


With luck, maybe, just maybe, your blister was from having a leeetle too much fun with your beau :) But get the other test just to make sure.

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Ok, so your boyfriend sounds like he's pretty much in the clear assuming he hadn't had sex with anyone else in the 4 months prior to his test. I said 6 months earlier and was wrong; the new tests are considered 100% accurate at 4.


Under the old guidelines, you doctor would be right and that would be a low positive. The old guidelines. The CDC revised those back in 2010 because they discovered that lots, and lots of people getting those .9's and 1's were actually negative. So, breath. If you and your boyfriend both have negative HSV1 and HSV2 tests, and neither of you have done the bedroom boogie with anyone else in the 4 months prior to the day you took your tests, well, uncork that champagne, get out the strawberries, put on that negligee, pull out the Trojans, and get down to boogie and play that funky music all night long ba bam bow.


And, if it turns out you are in fact negative (I sincerely hope you are, and I sincerely believe you are based on what you've written and your recent results, well, this one's for you from all of us on the forum.)



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Thank you so much Herry!!!


I hope it comes out negativity again!! Fingers crossed! You guys have all been super amazing and such a support system!! Y'all kept me from falling when I thought there was no way out. It's still not sure that I'm negative, but regardless all of you are the best bunch of people I have met, and if I get a positive I'm not going anywhere.


Big big hugs for the advice!! :)

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We don't have a planned parenthood here anymore but I'll probably go to the place my boyfriend went. Yes it's a family doctor, and I can see why you don't trust them. I am stuck between excitement and worry. Haha I don't want to jinx anything by getting excited but I having to go through this again is just got me kinda worried. I told my boyfriend and he Said he'll go to the Dr with me and either way nothing changes. Thank you guys so much. Please keep your fingers crossed for me!!


Big hug and thank you forum momma !!

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