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Oh google :(

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Step one: realize something isn't right "down there" OR be on the receiving end of a disclosure talk


Step two: head to the interned because there's no better doctor than WebMD


Step three: hmmm google images...maybe that will help




Step five: continue to believe all the stigma surrounding herpes.


Sound familiar? I spent three hours the night I really truely started to believe I had herpes looking at my hoohah and then back at google images...id be convinced I didn't have herpes because it didn't look like that. But then id read a cdc article or something and be like "hmmm that sounds about right" go back to google and after looking at very frightening images be convinced I didn't have herpes.


Now I know the next day and the one after my little bumps turned into sores and for some these google pictures depict a first outbreak but for a lot of people I have come to understand that it's NOTHING like google says it is. And since my first OB I haven't really experienced anything.


How many people include "if you're going to google herpes PLEASE don't look at the google images because that's not what happens" in your disclosure talks? I know I have.


What can we do to get these google images off the front page because I'm kinda tired of google twat blocking me...just sayin. And I may be in a relationship now and that's awesome but what about all my guys and gals out there still single and fighting the stigma?!


And please know I mean no offense if anything I said triggered a flashback or hit to close to OB home...just venting!

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LOL! :)


If anyone in this forum says "I didn't go to Google" the moment they thought they had the herpster, they're a liar! A flat out, red nosed liar.


The problem with the Google images is that sometimes they do reflect the reality. Unfortunately, in my case like yours they did with a few that I looked up. I had a nasty Second OB that resembled something off a Hollywood horror movie set. That said, every other OB has been so mild as to barely be noticeable. I'm talking mild foliculitis looked worse than my OB's.


Disclosures should all come with the caveat that not all pictures represent the common reality. In our internet obsessed era, it's important to remind people of that; that often the first pictures that come up are just the ones with the right SEO or the top number of hits, and not necessarily the most common images of what the condition really looks like.


Now, if you'll excuse me I'm going to go sit in the shower for an hour and enjoy my flashback.

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Herry nooooooooooooooooooo that's the exact OPPOSITE of what I wanted :(


My point I guess I'm trying to make is I had early symptoms but I had no idea because I didn't know what I was looking for. Herpes can look like razor burn on some and on others make your unmentionables look like the surface of an alien planet. And when I disclosed to my bf he was worried (as many of the people I disclosed to have been) that all the pictures on google are what's going to happen to them. It frustrates me :(


Now please get out of the shower before you get all pruney please?

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Too late. I look like I've been at the beach too long. Oh well, prunes away!


The problem with herpes is that it does present in such a wide variety of fashions. It's like HIV and many other medical conditions in that regard. The symptoms and physical presentations vary so greatly. It's why doctors say that while a picture is worth a thousand words, a blood test is what you need. It's also why whenever you go to a forum everyone says "Symptoms mean jack squat."


It's definitely something that needs addressed. It should be addressed very bluntly and in educational materials about the condition. As someone who does web writing, I can tell you there's no way to tweak the algorithm in our favor when people do searches. As such, it has to be done preemptively and during the education/disclosure stages. It should be addressed from all angles and it should start off with "A blood or swab test is the only way to confirm herpes...because blisters in the mirror may actually be larger than they appear."


In fact, what I would recommend is that people Google images for disclosures, have them handy, and say "Honey, this is how mine look if you're wondering. Mine were/are pretty typical."



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That's one of the most interesting things about herpes. Doctors brush it off because it is so minor in regard to the medical side of things. It's just not a serious condition.


That said, the social stigma around it is enormous; due in large part to the ignorance of it. It's like HIV was back in the 80's. Remember those days when you could pick that up by sharing a soda or sitting on the same toilet seat? That's where we are now with herpes.


And, as with anything, the way you defeat ignorance, stigma, and shame is through education....and a really cool afterschool special starring Katie Holmes, Paris Hilton, and Dennis Rodman.

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I think it should say "A blood or swab test is the only way to confirm herpes...because blisters in the mirror may actually be SMALLER than they appear."


because people see a blister and their brain takes it from looking like a pimple to an oozing pus filled carbuncle.... :p


I just found Herry on Youtube - We need to re-write this and have it say "Herps, Check em Out!!!!


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Not sure I'd use the raisins as a mascot for herpes. Seems almost perverse. But, I think I could come up with a herpes rap.


Herps. Get 'em off. Herps. Get 'em off. You got a girl. You gotz your fantasies. Think about the things you really want to do to me. Are you horny? Wanna get off? Herps. Check 'em out. Herps. Check 'em out. Read about bumps and blisters and her really annoying little sisters. Talk about transmission, and prevention. Wrap it up before you tap it out. Herps. Get checked out. Herps get checked out.

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