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Period and Herpes

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Can Herpes make your period worse? I noticed the past two months I've gotten my period that I am lightheaded and a bit more crampy. This morning, I was reading a book and went to lay back down and as soon as I closed my eyes, the entire room was spinning. I felt like I was on a Tilt-a-Whirl ride for about 30 seconds and then nauseous. I had just gotten my period a few hours prior to this and feel more crampy than before I was diagnosed. I understand the hormonal change can make OB worse but I'm not having one now (hopefully I won't). Can the virus do this and make me feel this way during this time?




I know that the period can course OB but I never had a much worse Period because of that. I guess every woman have once or twice a year a bit worse period and cramps as usually, I do sometimes.

Well we all like to blame all our symptom's to herpes but maybe it could be that herpes affect you like that. See what the next month are bringing ,maybe its because you stressed out about Herpes, the mind affect always affect the body. tremendously .

Hope you feel bit better now and the cramps are gone.




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