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    Welcome to the Herpes Opportunity Support Forum! We are a supportive and positive group to help you discover and live your Opportunity. Together, we can shed the shame and embrace vulnerability and true connection. Because who you are is more important than what you have. Get your free e-book and handouts here: https://www.herpesopportunity.com/lp/ebook



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Hi, I'm new to the community. I have hsv 2 and it hasn't been easy, actually it's been awful. Every day my emotions are all over the place. I feel guilty for not knowing what I had, for exposing my partner, for not being more careful. It's a shame that I let this virus break me all the way down, but I have. One thing I can say is this diagnosis has caused me to completely change the way I approach sex. The more I think about it the more I feel lucky because it could be so much worse. I guess I just wanted to get my first post out there and say hello!


@Msmee Welcome ! Thank you for posting in here. I am glad you came here. This community has been such a big help for me and for others. Not only because people help me, but because I can give my opinions and experiences to others as well. I haven't been on in about a week or so because I have been down in the dumps, but I am back to help !


Anyways, it is normal to feel that way. I remember calling my boyfriend 5 minutes after I found out that I had herpes, because I just couldn't hide it from him. Within 5 minutes it was eating me inside and out. && I told him. Luckily we haven't had sex at all yet. Well I felt bad because I had to tell some of my recent partners... that I have herpes and that they need to go get checked. None of them yelled at me or were mad at me.. but I continued to express my concern to them and apologize to them many times. I felt bad because I didn't know and I wasn't able to keep them safe. Only one of them came back up positive.. and I kept apologizing, and I knew though inside that he could have been the one who gave it to me also.. but you know. We live and we learn and it is good that you can learn from it and take different approaches to sex. (:


Thanks for the welcome! The stress of it all is crazy. All of the sudden it's like I don't know who I am. My most recent partner has tested negative and for that I'm grateful. I can't even begin to figure out who this came from, at this point I'm just trying to get through every day one day at a time. I've been reading a lot of posts on this forum and decided to join because I find the people living with h to be more informative than my doctors. I need all the support and information I can get and I feel like I came to the right place. Thanks again!


I wish Dancer was on here. Oh wait hold on ! I can give you the hand outs myself. (:




Follow that link and you can put your email in and it will give you a handout about disclosing and a handout about information of type 1 and type 2. (: I hope these help.


I know when I found out, I was devastated. My boyfriend was there for me and told me still wanted me.. I tried to talk to him about it, but it was so awkward at first. So I came here.. && WALA! I have the help and the courage to get through this. That is all you can do is take things one step at a time, and day by day. Soon it will be a lot easier. I promise !


Hey Victoria... sorry - had my dance weekend and now I'm with family so I may be a little spotty on here for a few days. Glad you are back to help fill the gaps :)


There are the handouts:





Disclosure e-book:





First - Welcome! I really , really need to get to bed but as you see this place is a wonderful resource for help and support. I've had H2 for over 35 years and I promise it is only as bad as YOU allow it to be in your life (Yeah, I get it the first OB's suck, but in the time frame of your life I promise you this will soon be a distant memory)..




Thanks Dancer! I actually haven't had a first outbreak which makes this all the more confusing. I guess I shouldn't feel so bad because I know many people on this site are currently suffering through their first outbreak. So in that regard, I'm lucky.


Well msmee, you are in good company - 80% of people don't know they have one or the other.... at least you know NOW.... AND, you can protect others and maybe help educate others as you see opportunities to let people know that they may be unwitting carriers...


Peace :)


Yes Dancer I was one of the 80% and luckily I haven't transmitted it to my partner. I am shocked at how much misinformation is out there and how much is coming directly from doctors. I wanna learn as much as I can and I know this is the place to be to get some good information from experienced people. I'm so glad I found this site! I was afraid to join for awhile but I'm glad I did!

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