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I may be adding another thing

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Well, Hopp'ers, I've been through yet another break up. But, the universe does direct. Im being sought out and considered for another career position that would change my life on a daily. I would be working from

Home and traveling two days a week by my own autonomy to lord knows where. Here's the crux .. I would travel the days I don't have my kids since I would be scheduling. But, I would be sacrificing relationships. I wouldn't have as much times with friends and surely could not expect a potential to understand any of that. So, the one day a week I would have would be managing the connections I love while seeking the one I don't. This opp.. Aligns with my goals as a child and as my old adult. Decisions oy vey.. What do you think

Tonight? Am I adding too much baggage as an H'er as it is to potentials or do I align myself with the universes timing that I go along for the potential of what the universe may have in store? This could be my new path . Much love and gratitude and empathy for your hearts tonight.


Go for it! It's usually when you stop looking for something that it turns up or finds you :) keep yourself busy with your goals and career, you never know when love will come around! Good luck!!

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