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i need closure.please.

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I recently smoked a bong with a couple of my buddies . As we were done smoking I saw a bump on his lip so immediately I think its herpes. I started panicking lightly and I left I didn't move my lips or lick them so I didn't get any saliva in my mouth. I skated home and rubbed alcohol and washed it with soap. I need your guys opinion. Do you think I have herpes? But I did some research and its says cold sores appear on your outer lip and not inside your lip which is a canker sore. Please someone give me dome advice I'm really anxious to know. Thank you

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Hello and Welcome. First things first ...BREATHE!!! You are waaayyy over thinking this..


Yes - it's *possible* he has Herpes (you can always ask him if he gets cold sores). It's also VERY possible that you already have the HSV1 virus and don't know it. 60% of young people have the H1 virus by young adulthood....children pass it during play and adults pass it on unwittingly by sharing drinks and giving their little ones kisses. By the time you are my age, 80% will have H1 orally.... "Cold Sores" are accepted by the public as just one of those things and they are just a minor nuisance for the most part to the carrier.


Have you ever been tested for Herpes? I'm inclined to doubt it....most people *think* they have been but you are usually only tested for HIV, Syphilis, and Gonorrhea. So whatever happens you may want to get tested, because you could be carrying H1 OR H2 unknowingly already.


If you DO come up positive for H1, you will need to get educated about it to protect future partners, esp when engaging in oral sex. AND, whatever happens, this is a good time for you to get thoroughly educated about Herpes and other STD's...


Odds are, you have kissed and been intimate with someone who has HSV1 already. 3 out of 5 of all your previous hook-ups and other "dalliances" likely had it, and could have been shedding asymptomatically (ie, you cant see it).... so you may be carrying it, or you may have got lucky. Until you are tested you won't know for sure....




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Hello and welcome a1an_n. I do not have hsv 1 so I am not too familiar but I know general input that I hope would ease your mind. You seem pretty worried. It is hard to say whether or not he has herpes and was having an outbreak bcuz you are right... there are other things that can mimick herpes.... I definitely could be a canker sore. From what I've learned herpes 1 can appear inside the mouth gums lips but more likely outside the lip. Oral HSV is very very common bc it's usually caught during childhood and therefore no one really thinks much of it. Many dont know they have it and it's often not tested for. Although it is becoming more important to take necessary precautions for oral sex... due to likeliness of transmission to the genitals. If you are feeling really uneasy about it, you could get tested WEEEEKS even months from now. You haven't shown symptoms and it definitely hasn't been long enough to tell. There is nothing to swab for a quicker detection. I believe IF you do have it you are likely to show symptoms within 2 to 12 days. For the future, I would be more careful probably get my own tube or mouthpiece so that I wouldn't have to worry anymore.


Others will chime in later in the am.


You will be fine (: I would relax and try not to lose any sleep by worrying..

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