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Never taken meds therapy...advice ??

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Just curious...had hsv2 for nearly 5 years. Took meds on my first OB but have never taken them again.


My OB's deffo come bk when I'm stressed or upset. But aren't too frequent and not too painful. Just a small sore and usually in the same place.


I'll be honest...definitely not looked after my health or body and I smoke....and I'm not tuned in enough to notice signs before an OB...but I'm about to kick all that in to place and look after myself. It's about time!....I mostly havent as not sexually active...so an OB is not an issue if I'm not being intimate.


Soooo....my question is...do you think meds will be effective or worth it?? Im talking daily meds....


I just think with taking better care of myself and then taking meds might well mean no outbreaks as i imagine my immune system has been pretty good at fighting off this virus, as an OB is never severe.


Advice and knowledge would be appreciated


thankyou in advance :)


I guess it really depends. I've had HSV2 for about 4 years now and am a smoker - initially, was taking Valtrex whenever I felt that tingling, or had a straight OB. It seemed to work okay for a bit, but then the OBs started to reoccur all the time, like every other month, and I just felt really rundown and flu-like all the time. Have since switched to two daily doses of Acyclovir (400 mg) and feel so much better, just in general. The daily schedule definitely is annoying - especially when you feel fine otherwise - but I personally feel like I notice a difference if I go multiple days without. It's definitely worth trying out if you feel like it could fit your lifestyle.


Thanks for sharing your experience with me :)


I think I'd like to try daily therapy to see how I go...but perhaps look after my health more first and see how it goes.


Thanks again

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