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Sunlight and herpes outbreaks?

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So I risked shaving and got better results the second time. But now I'm concerned about something else. I've heard that sun light exposure causes outbreaks for people on their mouths, but what about down there? And with mine being hsv1 would that be more likely to cause an outbreak if I was to tan or get a sunburn? Somewhere I read that the sun doesn't break you out genitally but I'd like to know some experiences.


Asking what triggers OB's is a lot like trying to figure relationships out. What works and is true for one, doesn't necessarily work for the other. Some things will set it off while others won't...and we are all different.


Sun, shaving, and any number of things have been rumored to trigger it. What it all boils down to is your immune system and how well you are taking care of yourself. Try not to worry about it. Go get a tan. If it triggers an OB, well, it triggers an OB and you'll know. If it doesn't, you'll have a nice glow about you.


Personally, I haven't found anything that I can say definitively triggers an OB. I smoke, I drink, I forgo sleep, eat chocolate, engorge myself on peanut butter and not a single tingle. You might say I'm taunting my herpes, but the reality is I'm just letting it know who's boss. I'd suggest you do the same and stop worrying about it.




LOL - Herry got it right... what triggers me may not trigger you AND my triggers have altered over the year with the exception of stress which I just proved once again to be my #1 trigger this weekend (got an OB on my lip :( )


One thing you may try - if it seems that sun on the area causes an OB, you can always use sunscreen on the parts that seem to be most sensitive to the sun ;)



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