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How fast do the results of an HSV blood test take?

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Hi. I was diagnosed with genital HSV 1 two weeks ago. I told the guy who I believe gave it to me that he gave me herpes. So after I told him he gave me herpes he said he didn't know and he went to get tested the next day. A day and a half passed and he texted me saying his blood test came back negative. I know blood tests don't take as long as bacterial cultures but I find it very hard to believe his results came back in under 48 hours and mine took over a week.


Does anyone know how long it takes to get blood test results??


I know I may never find out but I am dying to know if this guy gave me herpes or not. I am 95% sure it's him and called him a liar for saying he doesn't have it, but since he denies it I still question it. I just want to know so bad, I feel like I won't get closure until I'm sure.

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A day and a half passed and he texted me saying his blood test came back negative.


Never heard of results being back that fast.... unless he went to an STD clinic that does the lab work right there. This link has the test and result times for the various tests AND their accuracy. http://www.ashastd.org/uploads/pdfs/HerpesBloodTestGuide.pdf Also - they may have tested for HSV2 and not HSV1 ... I'd ask him which test they ran... ;)


That said, you don't have to "sleep around" to get HSV1. Many young people think that Oral sex isn't "sleeping around" and think it's safe (not saying you are one of them) and don't realize that you can get genital HSV1 from that....half of the new Genital HSV cases are HSV1.


AND... it won't change anything, no matter where you got it. And it doesn't really matter where you got it from. You are here. Today. Your past is in the past. You got a life lesson. Learn from it. Accept it. And move on. It's your only choice. ;)




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My doctor put a "rush" on mine because I had a physical outbreak. Basically for insurance reasons she ordered the blood test. It still took about 4 days. Chances are this guy is your giver and knew he had it. Regardless, what's done is done and getting an answer from him wont change it. Take it as a sign that he needs to stay out of your life for good.

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