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Do you ever wonder that the people that are on here or atleast some of them dont really have H and are trying to trick people to come out or to meet them so that they can be publicly humiliated, i have trust issues so i am a little reluctant about any H site. Yes I know a crazy thought


I'd say that's a little bit cuckoo for cocoa puffs.


In fact, I'm willing to bet 100% of the people who come to this site, maybe not others, but definitely this one, are 100% genuinely affected by H. Either they have it, they're concerned they have it, or they're involved with someone who has it.


Darling, put those fears to bed and put a stake in 'em. You're safe here, and if anyone from this site ever tries to publicly humiliate you, well, Adrial has Thor's hammer and he'll throw down with a thunder that would make even the God's themselves shudder in fear.


I'm not sure why anyone would catfish as someone who has herpes.... doesn't seem like somebody would get any real benefit from that. Also, I've never seen anyone really talk about meeting another person from this site in real life. I could just be missing things.


You're completely safe on this site. I'm a pretty computer and internet savvy person, most of my job IS website networking based and I can honestly say that the vibe of this community compared to many others I am familiar with is the safety of it's users. Everyone (for the most part) has the attitude of respecting everyone else because we all understand that everyone we interact with here is in the same boat we are. If you're worried about protecting your privacy then just be cautious with personal information.


Adrial is the person who created all this. He's not been on here as much lately because he's working on the Home Study course and a whole lotta other big projects behind the scenes. And he won't tolerate anyone who is doing anything that is not in the best interests of the people here.


I dont feel safe, i feel sad all the time that no one will accept me and everyone is out to get me


Honey - that is the stigma talking. It's much bigger in you head than it ever will be in real life. Yes there are jerks out there and those who don't understand, but really, that's not their fault - its the fault of a system that isn't doing their job to educate and protect people through education and testing.


I'm sorry you were affected earlier today by someone who was thoughtless and judgmental... every once in awhile someone gets on here who just doesn't get it that we don't work like other forums ... they don't last long.



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