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Genital Herpes HSV1 Questions! Please help!!

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Hi All,


I am a new member here and I'm joining for some help and support. I would greatly appreciate any feedback as I am quite new to herpes.


I am a carrier of GHSV1, female and had my first severe OB during the month of Feb 2014. I was tested positive from a swab test at Plant Parenthood. My first inital OB lasted for about a week (pretty short) and I was prescribed with Acyclovir 400MG and Lidocaine 2.5% and Prilocaine 2.5% cream from my local Plant Parenthood. After my outbreak..I felt very normal. No tingling sensation, no itching, zero symptoms. That was during March. Since early April, I've been feeling a lot of tingling and itching on my genitals and buttox. I did catch a slight cold earlier, but I am getting over it. I am wondering when the tingling/itching sensation will go away? Especially since I am over my cold. It has been exactly 4 weeks since i've been feeling these symptoms. A couple of questions:


1. When exactly do you think the the tingling/itching sensation stop? I am taking my vitamins (prenatal, l-lysine, noni juice and acyclovir daily)

2. Do you think the virus is just active as I am a new carrier to Herpes?

3. Is this a sign of a potential OB? There is no pain, just itchiness/tingling sensation.

4. Will this tingling/itching feeling ever go away? I do have hope since during March I felt NO symptoms!

5. Since I was tested positive from a swab test (only), should I confirm my results by doing a blood test?


I would greatly appreciate ANY feedback on my questions/concerns. It has been an emotional roller coaster for me these past couple of days. I've been trying really hard to accept this and move on with the fact that I'm a carrier of GHSV1. However, moving on has been tough for me to do so since I've been feeling constant itchiness/tingles down south. I am thinking about seeing a therapist to help me cope with what I've been infected with.


I appreciate any feedback/support. Thanks in advance.

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You went to Plant Parenthood? Sounds like a gardening store. I'd be careful taking sexual health advice from a gardener. Sure, they're helpful at making things grow, but this is a weed you want to wither on the vine.


I know, I'm a punny guy.


Alright, so the folks at Planned Parenthood are pretty good. They are a wealth of information and help and it sounds like they've done a good job getting you started. To answer your questions:


1. Tingling/Itching are random for all of us. Sometimes they last minutes, hours, days, and yes, weeks in some cases. We're all different. Just be patient and try and relax. The more relaxed you are, the sooner they'll go away.


2. No real way to know if the virus is active, or how long you've had it based on what you wrote. Did you have a new partner just prior to your first OB? If you did, it's possible this is a primary infection you're dealing with. If not, it's possible you've had it for years and not known about it. That's the problem with herpes; it can be very difficult to determine when you got it.


3. Is it the sign of a potential OB? Sure is. It's also possible it's something else. OB's can vary widely for people with H. Some people get rashes, some blisters, some nothing more than tingling and itching.


4. Will it go away? Yes. It will. If you eat healthy and stay relaxed, it will subside. Some people notice their sensations diminish quickly, others it takes some more time. But, in the end, the odds are that your sensations will pass as your body develops the antibodies to fight the virus.


5. Swab test is pretty accurate. If they tested it for both 1 & 2, I'd say it's a definitive answer.


As far as your feelings and emotions, well, welcome to the roller coaster. Stay positive, smile, and look at the positives in life. That'll help even out the hills and valleys. Counseling does help, but in the end it is up to you to make a decision. It's a simple decision: Are you going to control H, or are you going to let it control you? In the meantime, keep coming to this forum. It's full of people who are going through exactly what you are and we are all willing to help.

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Hello and welcome!!


You have come to a GREAT place for information and support. I was diagnosed about a month ago with GHSV2. I've been lucky and only had one pretty mild outbreak so far (knock on wood.) I'll do my best to give you some answers based on what I know and my personal experience.


1- While tingling and itching are a symptom of an oncoming outbreak, it doesn't mean that you are about to have one. You have to remember that your body has been through a great deal of trauma to the system. The healing of your initial outbreak isn't quite over yet. Your body is still trying to fight this all off the best it can, and the cold right after didn't exactly speed things up. I got bronchitis just as my outbreak had cleared up. I still get a little pain and itching in my lady parts. I just chalk it up to my body still doing its job. Help it along by getting plenty of rest, drinking plenty of water, and eating as healthy as you can. Your body is smart, it knows what it's doing.


2- I'm not exactly sure what you meant by this, were you asking if symptoms and feeling are heightened because you just recently became H+? Or were you asking if that makes you more contagious to others? The answer is yes to both. In the first year you are both more prone to frequent outbreaks and you're more contagious to sexual partners. Some doctors will suggest suppressive meds during the first year after diagnosis to help with both of those potential issues. Again, lifestyle will make a difference in both. If you are uncomfortable and feel like you could benefit from suppressive meds then ask your doctor about it. While I'm not a huge medicine person, I also believe in not suffering if you don't need to.


3- As with my answer in question one, this COULD be a sign of an outbreak but it could also just be your body trying to sort this shit out. Typically outbreaks happen within about 72 hours of first feeling symptoms. Remember every case is different though. However, since this has been ongoing for a few weeks I would just write it off as your body doing its job until you start to physically see symptoms.


4- YES! This will eventually subside. It just takes time. Like I mentioned before, lifestyle will play a huge role in this. Try an Epsom salt bath, it can sooth things really effectively. Go commando, I did during my outbreak and I think it really helps. I still do at home because it seems to help thing feel more "free" in the lady jungle.


5- The swab is as much of a definite diagnosis as a blood test would be. The tricky thing about blood tests though, they aren't an immediate result. It takes a few months for your body to build up the antibodies that they test for in your blood. Example, I was given herpes mid-march, within about a week I was in the doctor for sores from what I thought was a yeast infection. SURPRISE, it was herpes. Dr lady took a culture of my sores and they drew blood. Culture came back positive obviously, blood showed nothing. Herpes is a tricky bitch.


Feel free to ask as many questions as you want here, these folks that hang out here are really knowledgeable. Also, don't feel bad asking your doctor questions either, it's their job. Plus they WANT you to ask questions. It's the only way the can accurately help you.


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I've had HSV1 almost 6 months. Recently disclosed to an H negative partner he accepted! So be positive. I've not had another outbreak since the first.


1. I never tingled or itched. Well, I did think I had a yeast infection but soon as the bumps came I stopped itching. I look for the "yeast infection feeling" as my sign. Now when I was healing I did. All my symptoms stopped immediately once the bumps were gone. Everyone is different. I am also on suppressive therapy valtrex. Take a vitamin and lysine when I feel "off."


2. Yes. I guess technically it's "more active" but nothing tells you that for sure. You are more likely to breakout and spread the virus the first 6 months to a year. After that the body usually handles it better and has it under control and can respond to it better.


3. It can be but not nessecarily. Every person is different. Be in tune with your body. Every itch and tingle will make you think one is coming. I did it for a few months, then I realized it just wasn't as much as I was stressing about. Remember, we are women and regardless we have lots of crazy stuff happen down there.


4. As I said above, yes it will go away. Part of it is in your mind, I promise. :) everything is just fresh right now so you will believe anything is an outbreak coming. Try epsom salt to help. That was my life saver.


5. My bloodwork was negative. Swab was positive. Swab tests are pretty damn accurate. If you want to just do it, but I would say it's unecessary. The swab was positive, you know the type. Don't waste your money or time. Just focus on being healthy now and moving forward.


I had a really really hard time accepting everything. Luckily, time helps. A lot. Just be patient with yourself and hang in there. I promise it will be alright. Luckily, HSV1 is typically more quiet. Many of us breakout once and never again. I'm rolling on 6 months outbreak free. I've tried to make myself break out. Nothing has caused one yet. You will be fine. And eventually you won't even think about it half the time. Welcome aboard! We are here for you.

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WOW! Thank you all for taking the time out of your day to respond back to my questions. I truly appreciate the support that I’ve received from you all and happy to be a member here. I also meant to say *Planned Parenthood for my first post!


I am aware that H is not health concerning, and people should think of it more as a “skin rash” that comes and goes. It’s not healthy for anyone to stress about H as OB’s are caused by stress triggers. I am happy to hear the symptoms will subside and that I’ll eventually feel normal down south. THANK GOD. I honestly just want to feel normal again.. a normal young, healthy woman. I am in my early 20’s, single, and was socially active before I was diagnosed..(I need to change this. H shouldn’t control me). The itchiness/tingles have been incredibly hard for me to cope at work and attend my social activities  (sigh).


I’ve been seeking support from family and friends who all accept and love me unconditionally. I really need to work on a positive outlook. I will NOT let H control me, and it shouldn’t control anyone else either. One of the best quotes that I’ve stumbled across this week was “One of the happiest moments in life is to let go of what you can’t change”. I am destined to recover emotionally and physically from H and step off this roller coaster ride that I’ve been on since February.


QUESTION: I know that you all had stated that the itchiness/tingles will subside, however; do you know usually when? It’s odd because I did not have any symptoms during March (after my initial OB). It all came during the beginning of April..I guess my cold triggered it? I am recovering from my cold (thankfully). I know that everyone is different and it all depends on how well you keep up your immune system, but thought I’d just ask. Also, how many l-lysine tablets should I take? I take 2 acyclivoir tablets daily.


Thank you all. I really appreciate any feedback!


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Symptoms subside in their own good time. There's really no way to say when or how long. My first OB lasted two solid weeks; itchiness/tingles still come and go from time to time, but nothing has lasted as long as that first one.


Your cold could have triggered it. When your immune system is busy with other things, well, that's when the H likes to come out and play. Next time that happens, do what I do and give it a stern talking to and send it back into the nerves to sit and think about its bad behavior.


As far as L-lysine, I take about 1000 mg a day during an OB or when I feel the tingles. It works for me. The rest of the time I don't take any at all.


Welcome to the group, and I'll tell you from experience that if you keep a positive outlook and smile, those hills on the roller coaster get a lot less steep.

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Hello and Welcome!


Everyone did a great job with the questions but I noticed you said you are on Prenatal Vitamins...are you pregnant? If so, your OBGYN needs to know about your Herpes because they need to keep an eye on it especially when you go into labor. Its the only time that Herpes is a problem...babies don't have anything to fight it off with and it can make them very sick... the usual treatment is to put you on anti-virals for the last month but you are already on them so they will want to monitor your OB's... esp as you are in your first year.


That said, I had one of mine naturally (and would have had the other naturally if the Dr I had at the time didnt scare me into having a cesarean that turns out I didn't need as I didn't have an OB at the time)...so its just something that the Drs will want to watch..



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Hi @WCSDancer2010 ! Thanks for your warm welcome. :)

No, I am not pregnant. I am 23 years old, and I acutally don't plan on having babies until I'm in my early 30's. Within time, would it be better to have kids later?? Since my body is not used to having herpes at the moment, and hence during my 30's the antibodies would fight off the virus and develop a stronger immune system?


My OBGYN informed me that I should take prenatal vitamins as it can help improve my immune system and fight the H virus. Would you agree? I am also taking L-Lysine by 21st century. I’m not too sure if that’s the best brand of L-Lysine supplements on the market, so, If you have any recommendations (not just with L-lysine, on any vitamins), please let me know!


I am currently taking 2 tablets of L-Lysine, 2 tablets of Acyclivoir, and 2 Pre-Natal gummies, along with Noni juice. I feel fine (health wise) but my itch down south is still lingering! The itch/tingles are around my genital and buttox. I’ve noticed that you mentioned to other members that lemon balm is a great anti-viral cream? I found this one on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/Lemon-Balm-Salve-1-oz/dp/B0002JSQKA/ref=sr_1_1?s=hpc&ie=UTF8&qid=1397839575&sr=1-1&keywords=lemon+balm+1oz and wanted to run this by you before I purchase it. Have you heard of this brand? Is this safe to put on my genitals, and do you think it will help fight my itching/tingles on my hoo-ha? I’d appreciate any feedback.


I have been thinking a lot about my future, and the time when I would want to have children. I hope to not pass this on to my husband or kids and I am frightened with the fact that it could happen. I know the transmission rate for GHSV1 is low, but it's disheartening to know that I can pass my H to future partner and my kids.


However, I am so thankful for this forum as it has been helping me cope with H!

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My OBGYN informed me that I should take prenatal vitamins as it can help improve my immune system and fight the H virus.


Not sure why they would think pre-natal vitamins would be better than regular vitamins. I personally don't take vitamins - never have. I believe in getting what I need through my diet and only supplementing individually as needed (ie, added D in the winter, B if I'm run down, etc. I personally recommend that people find a good source for a fruit or vegetable based "supplement" if you feel you need the extra help.


The Wise Ways company is a great company....so that lemon balm should be fine. Tho I don't think I mentioned that unless I was passing it on from someone else's recommendation. I use Ammonium Alum myself - dries the suckers right up but it's not easy to find. Any brand would be ok if you can find it online...just dab a little bit right on the sores/dust the area. May sting if you have an open sore but it's worth it in the long term.


And don't worry about having children - I had 2 and I carry both H1 oral H2 genital) and mine never got either from me and the only precaution I took was to limit sharing drinks and not kissing them if I had an OB. You should be fine after about a year as far as giving birth as that it the time that you are more likely to break out easily. Significant other is more tricky but with the anti-virals, and learning to listen to your body, you can greatly reduce their risk.



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@herrytheherp @sparklepeony @thisisgoingtobeokay @wcsdancer2010


Hi friends!


I hope you all are having an amazing Easter weekend. Since you all have been so helpful and informative, I thought it would only be right to come back and update you all on my symptoms. I finally saw my OBGYN at Planned Parenthood on Saturday morning. I informed her about my itching/tingles and she quickly examined me down south right after. No signs of any outbreak & everything looked completely normal/non-herpes related. She then did a swab to check under the microscope. Lo and behold..I HAVE A YEAST INFECTION!! I was SO relieved because the itching/tingles were driving me insane and depressed.


I was prescribed with a single pill of Diflucan (Fluconazole tablet), which is supposedly strong enough to cure my yeast infection. She also informed me that I can use Clotrimazole a 3 day treatment cream as well. I took the pill right after my appointment and was anxious to feel a relief (I didn't feel any relief or difference within 24 hours), so I went to my local Walgreens and purchased the 3-Day Clotrimazole cream treatment. I also researched online that Diflucan doesn't work for some people and that Clotrimazole actually cures vaginal yeast infections. I instantly felt immediate relief after using one dosage of Clotrimazole cream! I am so relieved and I will continue to use the cream til the 3rd day.


I'm going to stop using Acyclovir for now as I feel that my immune system has been good so far, especially knowing that the yeast infection is causing the itch/tingles and not my GHSV1!! I am still taking my L-lyine and vitamins though. I hope Clotrimazole will officially cure the itches/tingles and that I can finally feel normal and free down south. Thanks again for your support everyone. I am eternally grateful for this forum and for PP!

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