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Treatment for herpes and side effects?

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I have decided to do the daily suppression with 500mg valtrex and I bought a bottle of lysine 1000mg. I was looking for this cream from honeybees I read about but I couldn't find it. My question to everyone.... What side effects can I expect to have - I'm already tired all the time- and which side effects should I contact a doctor about. The web has a list but honestly it's everything a human could have as a course of daily life - esp for me in my profession.

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I - dummy like I am - went to the gym for my workout session a few days after starting the 1g valtrex--- Well let's just say we had to cut the session short! I was so light headed I thought I was gonna pass out! It passed thank God but I took it easy today and I feel great! Maybe the 500mg won't hit me like the 1g twice a day!!!


I am worried about kidney issues also - and I read depression is an issue. I mean I'm already dealing with the diagnosis - when do y'all think is a good indicator that I need my doc?

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Hi Silliness, I've been taking the 500mg twice a day since last August. The first few weeks I was really tired but it passed and I was back to feeling normal. I'm not in a relationship but one of the lucky ones with frequent OB's for HSV-2. I know they say to stay hydrated and I try to drink 8 glasses a water a day, fortunately I like water, I know some people find it boring. I did notice I have a heavier period when I get it but nothing overwhelming. I've had 2 colds since being on Valtrex that were really mild, not sure if the Valtrex helped or I'm just taking better care of myself. I take 1000mg of lysine daily too and haven't had any adverse symptoms. I would agree with willow to see your doc the nausea/dizziness/etc continues. You could always try with 250mg a day and work your way up to the 500mg to allow your body time to adjust. Good luck

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I have been taking the Valtrex once a day for a few weeks, as well as the 5 days post diagnosis. I felt a little dizzy at first but since I was stressed and slightly dehydrated it could have been either of those things causing it. Right now though, I have no side effects.


I read that kidney issues CAN occur, but I think that would only affect someone who already had issues with their kidneys. Make sure your drinking plenty of water to help your system flush things out. My doctor recommended the suppressive route for about a year after diagnosis and then to taper off them for awhile to see if my body does a good job of suppressing the virus on its own after that. Kidney damage and complications occur when someone has too much of one med in their body over an extended period of time. Thinks high does narcotics in the thousand mg range for a year or so. I don't think Valtrex would have the same effect on a healthy persons body. Typically all meds, with the exception of pain meds, take about a month for our bodies to adapt to them (birth controls, anti depressants, etc).

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