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How bad can Herpes get in the worst case or end of life?

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I like to think I can do all kinds of stuff. For instance, say like being Navy SEAL. Or sometimes I picture if the SHTF and I'm roaming around earth like the Walking Dead or sometihng. (I have an active imagination.)


So what would Herpes do? If I'm training to be a SEAL or something extremely demanding, I would assume as my body adjusts it would breakout pretty hard. But to what end? Eventually my body will fight it off right? Then what? Stays down, pops up on occasion, constant outbreaks for years?


Or what if I'm nearing the end of my life in a bed fighting Cancer or something? Am I also going to have constant sores?


For the sake of discussion, these scenarios will be outside the possiblity of suppressive drugs.

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Alright, Rambo. Calm down, the Russians aren't going to invade tomorrow and if people will start thinking before they vote, the possibility of a zombified nation will remain within the realm of Hollywood lore.


Would herpes breakout under stressful conditions? Yes, it can and does. This is because as your body is stressed, your immune system is weakened. The same is true if your body is fighting off cancer, HIV, or even the common flu and cold.


Now, can you do all those things with herpes? Could you become a SEAL, train for a marathon, sign up for a Tough Mudder and kick the snot out of the competition? Sure, why not?


You can also fall madly in love with someone, have marathon sex, and become a parent which is one of the scariest things a man will ever face. If you really like to live dangerously on the edge, have wild and passionate sex with your significant other then tell her that's how her best friend/sister/mother likes it, too. If you make it out of the bedroom alive and don't experience an outbreak in the next 72 hours, you'll know just how much stress your body can take.


Now, in a worse case scenario, Hostess Twinkies and Cupcakes will go extinct again. If that happens, shit's about to get real and I'm throwing down. Ask me on that day whether I have an outbreak or not.

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As someone who is dealing with both cancer and herpes at the moment, I feel like I might be able to offer some insight. When I had cancer and didn't know it yet, I only experienced two outbreaks. The first outbreak disappeared in a few days with suppressive drugs, and the second one was so mild that I didn't need take anything. Keep in mind the type of cancer I have, or should I say had, really does a number on your immune system.

I am currently undergoing chemotherapy. At the beginning I would get an outbreak after each chemo treatment. It was pretty annoying but nothing more than that, and the further along I get with the treatment, the fewer outbreaks I experience. My oncologist gave me suppressive meds but I have yet to use them during treatment. My outbreaks haven't been that bad even though my wbc count has been extremely low for the past 5 months.

Besides, if you're on your deathbed facing cancer I can almost guarantee that herpes will be the last thing on your mind. If it does happen to be on your mind you'll probably be wishing you didn't spend so much time worrying about it. Try not to get ahead of yourself. The anxiety of an unknown experience is usually far worse than the experience itself.

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LOL Herry.


The Twinkie is solid, and must be protected.


Thanks for the insight Ashley. One of the unknowns for me is what would happen if my immune system is heavily compromised, maybe for a long period of time and no suppressive meds are available. But worrying about it won't change anything.


I appreciate the kind words.



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